What did you do with your flock today?

Im gunna take extra care to not forget my phone in the run lest they jump onto this site and tell on me. They'd have a pretty big list, starting with leaving them up the mountain for so long. Today, they have to experience rain in cooler conditions. Poor babies.
Like when kids or friends find an orphaned phone and post things. :plbbMine would certainly complain about not being allowed in the lovely garden area to hunt bugs and help me out, and the lack of another favorite nesting box. Even though there are 5, with 2 mostly unused.
Oh, your girls are so lucky they live Hawaii. No real predators, mostly moderate temps, warm rain, lots of sunshine to enjoy, and a loving, caring, compassionate momma. They would make others so jealous.
I went out to check eggs this morning and found a couple strange things. One blue egg in the lawn area outside the coop, heading to the garden gate. It wasn't smashed like it had been laid from the 6' high coop roof and fell, but it was cracked and not through the membrane. Shell seemed thinner than normal. I thought I had solved the escaping chicken problem. Could be from the girl that is finishing her molt. Going to mount a camera to survey the rooftop of the coop and run. Second, 2 eggs were laid just outside the favorite nesting box. I think the line got too long and they just couldn't hold it in any longer. Silly girls.:confused:
I dread to think what they'd say about me!
I let one of the waterers run dry yesterday. Accidentally - the plastic had cracked in the cold. There's only three more, fully operational and freshly filled within a few feet of each other but Ferdy freaked out about it until I trudged through the snow with its replacement. He definitely would say I was not fulfilling my obligations 🤣
I would buy your book. "Flock Follies of Shetland Lover", a memoir of chicken behavior.
Like when kids or friends find an orphaned phone and post things. :plbbMine would certainly complain about not being allowed in the lovely garden area to hunt bugs and help me out, and the lack of another favorite nesting box. Even though there are 5, with 2 mostly unused.
Oh, your girls are so lucky they live Hawaii. No real predators, mostly moderate temps, warm rain, lots of sunshine to enjoy, and a loving, caring, compassionate momma. They would make others so jealous.
Oh my gosh, nest boxes... 🤦‍♀️ who would have thought they could get some complicated???!!!

I think your girls have a legit complaint about not getting to go in your garden... it does sound super dreamy. All that fresh soil and leafy greens. Yum!!!!
I went out to check eggs this morning and found a couple strange things. One blue egg in the lawn area outside the coop, heading to the garden gate. It wasn't smashed like it had been laid from the 6' high coop roof and fell, but it was cracked and not through the membrane. Shell seemed thinner than normal. I thought I had solved the escaping chicken problem. Could be from the girl that is finishing her molt. Going to mount a camera to survey the rooftop of the coop and run. Second, 2 eggs were laid just outside the favorite nesting box. I think the line got too long and they just couldn't hold it in any longer. Silly girls.:confused:
Arnt chicken cams the BEST?!!! Best gift I ever gave myself, maybe.

I must admit, nothing better than Hawaii when it rains with a breeze. It's like perfect.
We are lucky to get 2 eggs in a day right now. My girls think it's too wet or too cold. Well, I think it's okay for them to take a break and conserve their energy to cope with the weather and short winter days. So far have not had to buy eggs in 9 years, so I'm happy.
I am impressed! 9 years ♡♡♡
I made it 7 before I had to lower myself to buy from the store. Even their organic free ranging can not hold a candle to my babies fresh eggs. And the joy of collecting from the nest boxes, if they are kind enough to lay them there, is awesome.
Before I had chickens I bought eggs from the Happy Egg Farms. I'm not sure those are in the stores in Hawaii, but the eggs are pretty good and the hens are pasture raised. They are very conscientious about their eggs and their hens.


They were expensive eggs, so I thought having my own chickens would save us some money. :lau
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