What did you do with your flock today?

Well, as I stated in above text ☝️, I have not rescued my chooks from the mountain yet. Yesterday, I had a busy day in many directions including getting 3 kitties dropped off and then picked up at 9pm for their health certs and feeding Polihale Kitties, plus bait stations. AJ was not doing well and needed much of my time too. Kinda stressful, but today is calm with rain and AJ seems more steady 👍. Much needed rain for us. Much needed calm for me and AJ. Thinking... maybe its can go up and grab chickens who may be in coop hiding from the rain.... 🤔 ???? Or make like Piko and calmly let the day unfold.View attachment 4021856
Be more cat!
We are lucky to get 2 eggs in a day right now. My girls think it's too wet or too cold. Well, I think it's okay for them to take a break and conserve their energy to cope with the weather and short winter days. So far have not had to buy eggs in 9 years, so I'm happy.
I've had to buy eggs every year from approx Nov - Feb since my last ex-batt passed. I really don't mind, like you, I'd rather my girls had a decent rest from laying. They work very hard the remainder of the year.
Oh, I forgot a bit of my story.
Driving up Kokee I was in and out of clouds spilling over the ridge from the canyon lookouts. Truly stunning to be in a tropical rain forest during inclement weather.
Road heading down to the cabin as a cloud was blowing by but getting captured by the trees ♡

I will come back for this little broody chicken. Beetles daughter, feral mom. Not sure how many days she has been sitting. Hoping Beetle is the dad of at least some of these chicks.

Can you spot her on the roof?
I miss so many things about staying up the mountain but playing egg hunt and find the broody arnt ones. Though it is funny.

Ride down was stunning but my photos are only meh. i could not capture the movement of the clouds, specially while I was driving, lol.
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Before I had chickens I bought eggs from the Happy Egg Farms. I'm not sure those are in the stores in Hawaii, but the eggs are pretty good and the hens are pasture raised. They are very conscientious about their eggs and their hens.


They were expensive eggs, so I thought having my own chickens would save us some money. :lau
Neat business model ♡♡♡
Oh my gosh, nest boxes... 🤦‍♀️ who would have thought they could get some complicated???!!!

I think your girls have a legit complaint about not getting to go in your garden... it does sound super dreamy. All that fresh soil and leafy greens. Yum!!!!

Arnt chicken cams the BEST?!!! Best gift I ever gave myself, maybe. View attachment 4021920
I must admit, nothing better than Hawaii when it rains with a breeze. It's like perfect.
This is a lovely position to be in when the weather outside is frightful. We have cold rain. The girls stay under shelter a lot this time of the year. Condensation from the roof and tarps keep their dirt floor damp. Luckily, no snow, and more moderate temps, in the high 30's to low 50's. Hasn't frosted yet. Tiredness from this bug is still hanging on, but getting better, sleeping better as well. I think a few more days to be 100%.

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