What did you do with your flock today?

It has been such a hot summer that yesterday afternoon I bought a clamshell plastic wading pool for my chooks to get cool in. I dug a wide hole for it at their favourite shady spot, put it in, filled in the sides with dirt and then filled the pool with water.

Earlier this (hot) morning my chooks avoided it like the plague! They just stood about under the carport staring and grumbling at me that I put some big plastic blue thing where they like to sit during the day!

So I splashed some of the water out, tipped out the rest into the hole, and put the wading pool aside.

I don't know what to do with it now!
Well, we've had 48 hours of 100mph winds and more expected later today. It'll be a bit quieter - just 70mph but I need to fix the damage to the chicken run roof and patch up the holes rats have made in the bird mesh. Tomorrow, the new housing order comes in under bird flu regs. Basically, the chooks will be confined to the coops and run until further notice. None of them will be at all happy as they are used to going wherever they want. And I won't be allowed to take them to the allotment for a good forage every week. Last time we had to keep everyone in from mid November to late April 😣
It has been such a hot summer that yesterday afternoon I bought a clamshell plastic wading pool for my chooks to get cool in. I dug a wide hole for it at their favourite shady spot, put it in, filled in the sides with dirt and then filled the pool with water.

Earlier this (hot) morning my chooks avoided it like the plague! They just stood about under the carport staring and grumbling at me that I put some big plastic blue thing where they like to sit during the day!

So I splashed some of the water out, tipped out the rest into the hole, and put the wading pool aside.

I don't know what to do with it now!
Mine didn't like the wading pool either - until they saw one of my cats playing with a mouse in it. Then everyone wanted in on the fun 🤣
Welcome, btw.
Has anyone any experience using plastic coops?
My oldest wooden coop has pretty much reached the end of it's life and will need replacing soon. I'm thinking of going recycled plastic as they're supposed to be almost maintenance free, have lower incidences of mite infestation and more hygenic/easier to clean. We don't have real temperature extremes here and I'm looking at getting either twin-walled moulded plastic or thermo-regulating plastic, so I'm not too worried about baking or freezing chickens. Any thoughts appreciated.
We are getting maybe one egg a day this winter, with the occasional two eggs. So far so good, haven't had to buy eggs yet.

I don't have any experience with plastic coops, but it sounds like a good idea. DH made our wooden coops, so they are not going to fall apart any time soon, maybe never. And fortunately, we do not have an issue with mites. If we did, I think a plastic coop would very much be in order.
Has anyone any experience using plastic coops?
My oldest wooden coop has pretty much reached the end of it's life and will need replacing soon. I'm thinking of going recycled plastic as they're supposed to be almost maintenance free, have lower incidences of mite infestation and more hygenic/easier to clean. We don't have real temperature extremes here and I'm looking at getting either twin-walled moulded plastic or thermo-regulating plastic, so I'm not too worried about baking or freezing chickens. Any thoughts appreciated.
@kurby22 has a couple really cool plastic coops plus wooden coops so should be able to give a good review and recommendation.
It has been such a hot summer that yesterday afternoon I bought a clamshell plastic wading pool for my chooks to get cool in. I dug a wide hole for it at their favourite shady spot, put it in, filled in the sides with dirt and then filled the pool with water.

Earlier this (hot) morning my chooks avoided it like the plague! They just stood about under the carport staring and grumbling at me that I put some big plastic blue thing where they like to sit during the day!

So I splashed some of the water out, tipped out the rest into the hole, and put the wading pool aside.

I don't know what to do with it now!
Chickens ♡
I often thought of the blue pool thing but, was also thinking I would have the same results, wasted money and effort - and terrified chickens. I also thought a Pasco liner may work, be a little less terrifying, plus I could make it shallow and to whatever size and shape I needed, but, I have done neither. Instead I ran a hose up to a tree and turn it on low. I get to give slow needed soaks along along with drawing up bugs for the chooks. I even toss in frozen fruit in the puddles during the worst of the heat.
If you go through the effort and find somethings that work, please let us know♡♡♡!!!

I wonder if you put in transitioning objects of interest, like logs and bricks so they could hop and get used to getting their ankles wet first.... 🤔
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Well, we've had 48 hours of 100mph winds and more expected later today. It'll be a bit quieter - just 70mph but I need to fix the damage to the chicken run roof and patch up the holes rats have made in the bird mesh. Tomorrow, the new housing order comes in under bird flu regs. Basically, the chooks will be confined to the coops and run until further notice. None of them will be at all happy as they are used to going wherever they want. And I won't be allowed to take them to the allotment for a good forage every week. Last time we had to keep everyone in from mid November to late April 😣
Those mph winds are brutal. I'm so sorry. Ugh, the bird flu strikes again. Obviously this planet is trying to shed itself of humans. We really should have been better to her 🌎💔💔💔. I thought I heard we had a case on either Oahu or Kauai too. Not good.
I'm gunna follow suit and button up some holes 🤞😖🤞 and do some hoping and praying for you and us.
Has anyone any experience using plastic coops?
My oldest wooden coop has pretty much reached the end of it's life and will need replacing soon. I'm thinking of going recycled plastic as they're supposed to be almost maintenance free, have lower incidences of mite infestation and more hygenic/easier to clean. We don't have real temperature extremes here and I'm looking at getting either twin-walled moulded plastic or thermo-regulating plastic, so I'm not too worried about baking or freezing chickens. Any thoughts appreciated.

Good question!

I'll be hosting my neighbours chickens soon with my flock, and am wondering to use an old Adblue 1000 litre tank with its top and one side cut off, turned upside down as a coop for the chickens to roost in, as it will shelter them from the wind. I already have an area with shade cloth over it (VERY hot here at the moment.

While I do have fencing, my chooks free range across two yards, so the billeted chickens will be with them too.

I do wonder though that the neighbour chickens will just roost with my flock in their own coop, but as I have a broody birdy in there too I hope she does not get bothered by them (she's very placid, despite being broody!).

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