What do you make? Handcrafted / Handmade / Made with Love

Ya. I wish they'd get on the ball and upgrade these things.
I had to throw away an embroidery machine, EMBROIDERY sewing machine ($$$$) because it was no long compatible with the new operating systems. I was ticked.

Now you have me worried about the embroidery machine I just got. It's new in the box but it's an older model. I've just been so busy that I haven't even turned the thing on. lol
Now you have me worried about the embroidery machine I just got. It's new in the box but it's an older model. I've just been so busy that I haven't even turned the thing on. lol

I wouldn't worry too much. They're pretty good at it now. This was back in the early 2000s. I think it ran on Vista ,XP, then Win7 and then quit working with windows8 came out and Viking just abandoned it. I was so ticked off. By the time I bought it windows 7 was already out. Oh well.

I worked on getting the warp on the back beam of the loom, looked up and realized I screwed up one of my colors. ARGH. I'll have to redo at least one section, maybe two. :he But not tonight. Once I start making mistakes, they just keep coming. Especially with a Tartan. So I'll start fresh tomorrow.

Soaps Part 2
My husband is an airbrush artist. Everybody wants portraits but people don't want to pay what it's worth. So during the covid shut down I taught myself how to do photo transfers. We do a lot of rest in peace shirts/ canvases now. Let's hope there's no other shut down in the future! (Pennsylvania)


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My husband is an airbrush artist. Everybody wants portraits but people don't want to pay what it's worth. So during the covid shut down I taught myself how to do photo transfers. We do a lot of rest in peace shirts/ canvases now. Let's hope there's no other shut down in the future!

The shut downs here are killer aren't they? If you haven't yet, you should drop in to the Pennsylvania Unite thread and say hi!
The shut downs here are killer aren't they? If you haven't yet, you should drop in to the Pennsylvania Unite thread and say hi!
Agreed 100%! Right now it doesn't just hurts the ones that have to be closed, we all depend on one another! My brother is a farmer (old order Mennonite) and you would think they are so self sufficient or wouldn't affect them. Till their milk companies sales slowed down when you could only buy a limited amount of each item. The farmers had to dump whole truckloads of milk. They were under contract so aren't supposed to sell it to other people. My brother took his milk and made cheese. Rather then have them dump the last truck load from some one else's milk down the drain, he had them dump it in his pit and he spread it on his fields. Is a good insecticide and fertilizer. So in the end, it wasn't a waste. But while they dumped food.... The government was handing out free food....our taxes!
Agreed 100%! Right now it doesn't just hurts the ones that have to be closed, we all depend on one another! My brother is a farmer (old order Mennonite) and you would think they are so self sufficient or wouldn't affect them. Till their milk companies sales slowed down when you could only buy a limited amount of each item. The farmers had to dump whole truckloads of milk. They were under contract so aren't supposed to sell it to other people. My brother took his milk and made cheese. Rather then have them dump the last truck load from some one else's milk down the drain, he had them dump it in his pit and he spread it on his fields. Is a good insecticide and fertilizer. So in the end, it wasn't a waste. But while they dumped food.... The government was handing out free food....our taxes!
Yea. Large scale farming/contracts are not great. It made absolutely no sense what so ever! Excellent idea from your brother! The main issue with handing out food is, it was, as far as Im aware, mainly done in larger towns and cities where a lot of people are hourly and retail workers that suddenly found themselves with nothing. Literally. They have no way to grow their own food, lack of knowledge and space dont really allow for it. Im glad that meals were handed to people in need. But just don't understand why money has to drive everything. That milk and other food like it could have been used by everyone instead of being stuck in a contract. Im sure others would not agree and im okay with that. There just isnt a one way only, concrete way to run things on a large scale. I much prefer more smaller scale farms. Not that it would be a utopian fix 🤣

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