What do you make? Handcrafted / Handmade / Made with Love

Yea. Large scale farming/contracts are not great. It made absolutely no sense what so ever! Excellent idea from your brother! The main issue with handing out food is, it was, as far as Im aware, mainly done in larger towns and cities where a lot of people are hourly and retail workers that suddenly found themselves with nothing. Literally. They have no way to grow their own food, lack of knowledge and space dont really allow for it. Im glad that meals were handed to people in need. But just don't understand why money has to drive everything. That milk and other food like it could have been used by everyone instead of being stuck in a contract. Im sure others would not agree and im okay with that. There just isnt a one way only, concrete way to run things on a large scale. I much prefer more smaller scale farms. Not that it would be a utopian fix 🤣
The thing is, dairies now adays are under contract, regardless of size. (Pa.-I don't know about other states)There aren't many milk companies so if you have a dairy, you are most likely under contract. Even if you have farm organiclly and sell direct to a store, you are likely under contract. And if they discover that you sold some to a neighbor, you will lose that contact. (Its happened)
What I feel like is, if the restaurants have to be closed, the rest of us will feel it to, even if it's indirectly such as the farmers.
Yea. Large scale farming/contracts are not great. It made absolutely no sense what so ever! Excellent idea from your brother! The main issue with handing out food is, it was, as far as Im aware, mainly done in larger towns and cities where a lot of people are hourly and retail workers that suddenly found themselves with nothing. Literally. They have no way to grow their own food, lack of knowledge and space dont really allow for it. Im glad that meals were handed to people in need. But just don't understand why money has to drive everything. That milk and other food like it could have been used by everyone instead of being stuck in a contract. Im sure others would not agree and im okay with that. There just isnt a one way only, concrete way to run things on a large scale. I much prefer more smaller scale farms. Not that it would be a utopian fix 🤣

I remembered seeing some of that happening when we didn't have any milk or eggs in our grocery stores. It was crazy. Fortunately I have chickens for my eggs and I drive down the road for my fresh jars of milk and homemade cheese. We just return the jars and have them filled again...and like yesterday, I can also get my eggs from there when my chickens are a bunch of freeloading slackers, lol.
Yep, it's a combination of carving, arrangement and pouring. This soap is soft enough to cut with a knife easily so that's how I do the carving.

I enjoy making soap with my daughter but I can't lie, we just buy pretty molds to pour the soap into, lol! We tried cutting shapes and did fancy half and half bars and those darn things fell apart. :lau
So it's just molds, spoon waves, and maybe some color swirls. Lol
The thing is, dairies now adays are under contract, regardless of size. (Pa.-I don't know about other states)There aren't many milk companies so if you have a dairy, you are most likely under contract. Even if you have farm organiclly and sell direct to a store, you are likely under contract. And if they discover that you sold some to a neighbor, you will lose that contact. (Its happened)
What I feel like is, if the restaurants have to be closed, the rest of us will feel it to, even if it's indirectly such as the farmers.
Right. And its just so sad and, quite frankly, unfair. Maybe this is a stupid thought and I dont mean to offend, but what if dairies, etc. unionize? That way they can have some say on the details of said contracts instead of being railroaded. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
If I remember correctly, things are attempting to go in that direction in Europe, according to a netflix (?) documentary.
I mean its a thought. You’re the producers, they're your animals, you take care of them every. single. day. Why not have a voice?
Dairy unions would do a lot. But bear in mind that the US has some massive anti-union forces and it could be just as devastating as signing terrible contracts. It would result in a better long term outcome, but many people are happy to trade immediate security for a longterm unstable future. :T

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