Well this list is about what I didn't know when I started out and what I've since learned. Not all Roosters are great, you might really change your mind later. I've had to get rid of 2. Attacking my kids is not okay, spurs can do serious damage, over breeding is hard on the ladies, etc. etc. The first one went off to a local farm. I should have mentioned this is why I get purebreds, people are more inclined to want them. Next Rooster that I didn't want, I was able to trade along with a same breed hen, as a breeding pair.I love all of this, thank you! Can you tell me more about a rooster back out plan? What would be reasons to get rid of roosters? (Right now I only have 1 but will be adding another 1 in a few months)
Also, what's wrong w/ the deep litter method?
Thanks again!
I've grown from a very small dog house coop to a very large walk in coop and I've tried all different types of flooring, no flooring and methods such as "deep litter." For me personally, my current coop situation with roost bars far enough from walks to not get poop walls and poop boards that I clean daily = nice clean coop every day not just deep litter clean out day. My coop is walk in, so it's nice to not walk through a poo mess. Deep litter is great for some, but I personally don't prefer it.