What does your goose coop look like?


We use low shed as their nesting and sleeping quarters. These are about 8ft long, 4 ft deep and about 4.5ft high with a ventilation grill along the top. The centre door means we can use either side as a nesting area and accomadates our trios without any problem.



Hey pete55!

This is almost exactly what I am envisioning my future goose house to look like (am almost ready to start building). I'm planning it to be 12' long x 4' deep x 4.5-5.0' high. I was thinking I would have 4 doors across the front so I can spray it all out as needed and completely open it up as I wish. I'm going to situate it on a sloping piece of land so when I spray it out, the water/mess will run away from it down the hill. I'm also thinking part of the floor will be solid with rubber horse stall mats on top of wire flooring and shavings/hay on top and the other part will just be wire flooring open underneath.
My husband was all picky about our duck and goose housing, since they can be seen from the house.
So, we originally built this one:

The small house is only 6x6 and been taken over by a pair of my Pomeranian Geese. The main house is 8x8. The eaves are all wire for ventilation. The little roofed area on the side is our feeding area: It keeps the feed dry in all but the worst weather.

Then we dug a second pond in the area where the beat up horse trailer is parked in the background....and built this one too....it is about 10x12 inside and we are going to enclose the overhang on the left side with hardware cloth as well for another 3x8 area.

It has a central dividing wall, which can easily be removed and two doors. I guess I'll have to shut the door and take some pictures. We had put in a small fence under the overhang for when the juveniles where too small to be out and about.

We are going to build a third small house in our goat pasture with a small pond this month. We plan on moving our Toulouse pair and a few of the ducks to that house before my Pomeranian goslings reach full size and need more room..
If the compliment was aimed at me: Thank you very much.

We have just under 7 acres so technically the first house is in my front yard and the second about 150' away to the side. My chicken coop, goat housing, and pastures for those animals and our cows is in my "backyard".

Best part about the buildings is that aside from the siding and hardware cloth, all the materials were salvaged from construction sites where we worked as carpenters: It is sad and amazing what they throw away. The little playhouse, which is the left part of the first photo was a Craigslist find.

I love sitting in my living room and watching the ducks and geese frolic in the pond and graze in their pasture. The spot where we put the pond was low and held water anyway (solid clay soil right there), so we said why not just dig a pond there and get some ducks. Well, it kinda snowballed from there.......

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