What Dog Breed Do You Want Today!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Raising a pup is a long term commitment. It can take up to two years before some settle down. They go through phases. Sometimes they are angels and sometimes not. It's similar to raising a child. They aren't always the same everyday.
I think what I'm struggle with on my end is not knowing what to expect overall. Being a large breed I do know that it can take those two whole years for them to settle down, which in terms of commitment I don't mind, but I don't know what that will look like overtime, so it'll be a learning curve.

He's still new to you, and for his part he's probably missing his mom and siblings. I would gently discourage the humping. Some pups will play by themselves, but most won't.
How would you recommend I discourage him? I've been either trying to distract him with a toy, saying "ah-ah" (firmly, not harshly), and moving towards him to he is destabilized and has to sit or flop sideways. I think I've gently used his scruff and collar to reposition his body in a different direction, too. Not sure I'm doing it right. 😅
At his age I would focus on positive reinforcement, and not anything negative. Sounds like he wasn't socialized well, so take everything slow. Always remember dogs do not speak English. We humans sometimes think they should understand everything we say to them. His humping and hiding mens he's feeling insecure. I find chews help when you want them to quietly sit and be occupied.
I do my best to do what I can with positive reinforcement. I think once I get a fanny pack for holding treats (which for now is just food so he doesn't get overfed), I will be able to be a bit more effective at it since I'll have the rewards on hand.
I did give him his first little chew treat yesterday, and he enjoyed it quite a bit. I wouldn't do it every day since he's so young yet. For now, he is elated to have a nice, dead stick!

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