What incubation temps and humidity? For quail ASAP please

I hatched my first couple hatches at the 50% humidity that Google recommended. I had horrible cases of curled toes and had to cull a few chicks and make shoes for more.

When I moved it down to 30% humidity, I had much better results. Now that I'm at 4200' I need to put the humidity closer to 40%, but I also now live in high desert where the ambient humidity is very low.
My last hatch I did dry hatch even though my elevation isn't high. Had good results under the circumstances. Humidity sat about 24-25% 100 to 100.5% temps. At lockdown bumped to 60-65% humidity. Was advised on this after struggling to keep humidity correct during the trial period of this incubator. Leaving it alone was far more stable than trying to fight humidity levels in a unit that would have to take the lid off to add water too. Will continue with this way as it worked really well. May be different for me with a different incubator but so far this has worked well.

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