What is Mama missing?

She did have loads of poop once I removed her from the box this morning. I don't remove the food from inside the coop at night. It is very close to the house and I'm in the process of changing from gravity to hanging bcuz they waste alot lol I returned her to the flock a little while ago before running to the store. She did sort puff up and prance around some of the other hens. As soon I get groceries put up I'm going out to attempt to hang a head of cabbage for them and to double check her again. Chicken OCD's I suppose! Must be why the other half tells me I've ruined them and they are no longer farm animals! Well duh dude. One more question - broody ends right? Does it last very long? I know she'll do again in the future but we aren't talking about 6 months of hatching chicks are we?
As mentioned above, you can't miss a broody when she comes out to eat, bath and poop; it is about the most disgusting smell I can think of.
Broodies may also lay eggs for up to 4 days after sitting in my experience.
No poop in the box!
It takes 3 weeks to incubate eggs. If you do not intend to let her hatch chicks then it is kinder to break her of her broodiness. Chickens cannot count to 21, so they sit there until chicks hatch, even with no eggs underneath them or their body condition gets to a stage that they can no longer maintain the higher temperature required for incubating eggs or they just lose interest in the process. Some will sit for months if you do not break them of it and long periods like that can make them ill. They certainly can get very thin and joints can stiffen up. To break them, you need to put them in a wire bottomed cage with a small roost bar and no bedding and sit the cage up on some rails so that there is air flow underneath. Being unable to maintain the temperature needed to incubate eggs will cause her hormones to change. Keep her in the cage with food and water of course for several days and nights and then let her out and see what happens. If she goes back to the nest, put her back in the cage for another couple of days/nights and try again
On my way out to check on her now, I know it's fall turning into winter but I'm thinking I'm going to allow since where I am in Texas doesn't usually get snow, coop is big enoughto support and designed to actually separate into 2 coops if need be & (ask me how glad I am that i didn't cave on that and insited on being able to turn into two!) private broody area with run even though they normally free range from lunch time to nighttime. Is that horrible I wanna let her try now?
It takes 3 weeks to incubate eggs. If you do not intend to let her hatch chicks then it is kinder to break her of her broodiness. Chickens cannot count to 21, so they sit there until chicks hatch, even with no eggs underneath them or their body condition gets to a stage that they can no longer maintain the higher temperature required for incubating eggs or they just lose interest in the process. Some will sit for months if you do not break them of it and long periods like that can make them ill. They certainly can get very thin and joints can stiffen up. To break them, you need to put them in a wire bottomed cage with a small roost bar and no bedding and sit the cage up on some rails so that there is air flow underneath. Being unable to maintain the temperature needed to incubate eggs will cause her hormones to change. Keep her in the cage with food and water of course for several days and nights and then let her out and see what happens. If she goes back to the nest, put her back in the cage for another couple of days/nights and try again
Thank you for this information! I will figure out how to save
First pic is Fred the main roo who I'd first named Fredricka bcuz I thought he was a she, second pic is Raven the 2 in command roo, 3rd is Priss my speckled who interestingly enougn is the most skiddish of em all & I got on day she was supposedly hatched - lastly Bets the bossest friendly nice girl who was my first case of bumble foot not long ago. Fred of course is behind her supervising my actions. He's
also not as friendly as I read his breed can be unless you've got treats! Lol


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And that's not the order I uploaded in & doubles, um ok Fred, Raven, Fred again, Raven again (did I cause that? )Bets and last one is Priscila or Priss
she is absolutely broody sitting on two eggs, neither is hers.
Glad you figured it out:)

Just for your clarification, a broody will sit even if she has no eggs to sit on.

If you ever need to check crop function again, remove food/water for the night so you can make sure your hen has not eaten/drank anything before you get out there in the morning.

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