What killed our roo?


5 Years
Feb 20, 2019
SW Oregon
Our roo was killed this morning, sometime around 5 and 7, I believe (I heard it happen, but the noise he made was so brief, I didn't realize he had been attacked). This particular rooster insisted on roosting in a tree instead of the coop due to the older rooster who doesn't care for him, so we realized this was a risk. He was attacked on the ground by our fence, dragged/carried for probably about 30 yards (part grassy hill, small briar patch, then into a creek bottom where he was consumed). There were a few areas of feathers, and the initial attack area had a trail of feathers, but probably two thirds of the space between initial attack and the meal were long spaced without feathers. The only remains I found were the gut pile.

I have looked around a bit for this particular predator "calling card," but haven't really found a match (I admit I didn't spend a ton of time on it, though, just looked at some predator charts). Thoughts? I attempted to include a pic, but my phone isn't letting me attach it. It looks like just the entrails and maybe a lung or something. Otherwise, I don't see the organs laying around. Other than some chunks on feathers closer to the meal site, I didn't see any skin or bones.
I just bought a book for this. "What's killing my chickens " by Gail Damerow.


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Our roo was killed this morning, sometime around 5 and 7, I believe (I heard it happen, but the noise he made was so brief, I didn't realize he had been attacked). This particular rooster insisted on roosting in a tree instead of the coop due to the older rooster who doesn't care for him, so we realized this was a risk. He was attacked on the ground by our fence, dragged/carried for probably about 30 yards (part grassy hill, small briar patch, then into a creek bottom where he was consumed). There were a few areas of feathers, and the initial attack area had a trail of feathers, but probably two thirds of the space between initial attack and the meal were long spaced without feathers. The only remains I found were the gut pile.

I have looked around a bit for this particular predator "calling card," but haven't really found a match (I admit I didn't spend a ton of time on it, though, just looked at some predator charts). Thoughts? I attempted to include a pic, but my phone isn't letting me attach it. It looks like just the entrails and maybe a lung or something. Otherwise, I don't see the organs laying around. Other than some chunks on feathers closer to the meal site, I didn't see any skin or bones.
It might be a mink or a fox, try to look up what they do to chickens.
I don’t think a fox could fit through that space. I’m pretty sure coons decapitate, we’ve had foxes and they leave patches of feathers everywhere, and then take the carcass somewhere for later eating.
What space are you talking about? A chicken free ranging doesn't have a space an animal has to fit through.
Our roo was killed this morning, sometime around 5 and 7, I believe (I heard it happen, but the noise he made was so brief, I didn't realize he had been attacked). This particular rooster insisted on roosting in a tree instead of the coop due to the older rooster who doesn't care for him, so we realized this was a risk. He was attacked on the ground by our fence, dragged/carried for probably about 30 yards (part grassy hill, small briar patch, then into a creek bottom where he was consumed). There were a few areas of feathers, and the initial attack area had a trail of feathers, but probably two thirds of the space between initial attack and the meal were long spaced without feathers. The only remains I found were the gut pile.

I have looked around a bit for this particular predator "calling card," but haven't really found a match (I admit I didn't spend a ton of time on it, though, just looked at some predator charts). Thoughts? I attempted to include a pic, but my phone isn't letting me attach it. It looks like just the entrails and maybe a lung or something. Otherwise, I don't see the organs laying around. Other than some chunks on feathers closer to the meal site, I didn't see any skin or bones.
This is sad. I’m on the watch today because one of my girls had a run-in w/a weasel at 4am this morning. Luckily my husband heard the ruckus and went out w/a flashlight. Long story short she survived, but isn’t moving around much. L leg is highly favored. No apparent wounds, but she’s pretty much immobile, and is closing her eyes a lot. She has had food & water. I plan to keep her separated tonight, and just hope she’s not in a lot of pain. We have ♥️ Traps set for the weasel. I guess they’re pretty solitary?? Any advice? Tnx
So sorry for your loss. Could have been a coon. If you have a game camera put it up because the predator will be back and then you will find out what it was. Good luck...

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