We are covered in preds here I am 5 minutes south of downtown norfolk I just got rid of a grey fox across the street from one of our malls for a lady who's dog was being harassed. I trap not 1-2 minutes away from the house I live 2-3 minutes from 7-11 and 5 minutes from food lion (grocery store) we have black bear , bobcat ,coyotes, red fox, gray fox, coon, possum , rats weasels,cottonmouths cane brake rattlers , and 6 foot long black snakes both snapping turtles and sea turtles painters and sliders . I live under really tall pines it messes the hawks up it is hard for them to get into my yard but we have a couple of really big owls
and I live near water you would not believe what an otter/mink will kill and eat we have both river otter and mink.

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