What medicine's are a must for adult pea's and chick's?

I don't know about that site, but I would love to have the Flagyl suspension.  I have not had to treat for blackhead in a long time (knock on wood - I am sure I just doomed myself) but sticking the pills down their throats is a pain in the you know what.

You cannot give a young peachick the correct dose using a 100mg, 200mg, 250mg or 400mg pill, liquid suspension should be used on the smaller ones if you treat at the rate of 30mg/kg.

Pills or suspension, same diff to me. I just want to be 100% sure that they get the correct dose for their body weight.
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If you can get the 200mg tablets there without a prescription, get it... I think it's a good price. But the liquid suspension is very expensive, I think.
Frosty... Can you do the math and tell everyone how many days a 30ml bottle will last treating a 2kg peachick at 30mg/kg once a day?
You are dosing 60 mg per day for the 2kg peachick (ain't no peachick at 2 kg though!) which is equivilent to 1.5ml of the 200mg/5ml suspension. Your 30 ml bottle will provide 20 doses.
My peachicks never see the ground until they are about six months old.  I have split many a pill, however.

But if you had to treat a 100 gram chick with metronidazole, how would you do it? Once they are six months old, they are large enough to have a split pill.
You are dosing 60 mg per day for the 2kg peachick (ain't no peachick at 2 kg though!) which is equivilent to 1.5ml of the 200mg/5ml suspension.  Your 30 ml bottle will provide 20 doses.

Curiously, at what age are they no longer peachicks? Thanks for doing the math!:D
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But if you had to treat a 100 gram chick with metronidazole, how would you do it? Once they are six months old, they are large enough to have a split pill.
Honestly, I would cheat and grind up a pill and measure the weight on a small scale and then make a suspension. Of course you would have to already have that scale for some reason. You don't just run out and buy one of those unless you have a scientific supply or gun reloading supply store handy. Do you have one that young with Blackhead? That is going to be difificult.

I just called my vet and Metronidazole or Flagyl is something they normally have as a suspension. I guess I should have asked her before!
Curiously, at what age are they no longer peachicks? Thanks for doing the math!
I guess it all depends on who you talk to. My 12 year old thinks the 10 year old that eats out of her hand is a litlle peachicky! They are all her peababies. If you are talking to me,the guy that has to catch and move or worm them, they are no longer peachicks when they can kick my tail. Some are easy and some are downright nasty at six months. I guess my break point really would be 6 to 8 months although I advertise them as juveniles once they are fully feathered.
Honestly, I would cheat and grind up a pill and measure the weight on a small scale and then make a suspension.  Of course you would have to already have that scale for some reason.  You don't just run out and buy one of those unless you have a scientific supply or gun reloading supply store handy.  Do you have one that young with Blackhead?  That is going to be difificult.

I just called my vet and Metronidazole or Flagyl is something they normally have as a suspension.  I guess I should have asked her before!

Lol, when I got a visual of that type scale I wasn't thinking what you were!

Anyway, I did have one that size that I lost to blackhead back in July. He (necropsy stayed sex) died very shortly after first symptoms appeared despite aggressive treatment that included metronidazole.
I don't know about that site, but I would love to have the Flagyl suspension.  I have not had to treat for blackhead in a long time (knock on wood - I am sure I just doomed myself) but sticking the pills down their throats is a pain in the you know what.

You cannot give a young peachick the correct dose using a 100mg, 200mg, 250mg or 400mg pill, liquid suspension should be used on the smaller ones if you treat at the rate of 30mg/kg.

Pills or suspension, same diff to me. I just want to be 100% sure that they get the correct dose for their body weight.

That's why my avian vet requested weights so that the pharmacist can compound the exact dosage as per weight.

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