What should I expect?


12 Years
Mar 17, 2007
Lancaster, PA
Ok, I ordered from MM and was told they will be getting here the week of the 26th, next week. How are they sent, packaged, do they have any water/ How long does their travel take. Are they sent special, so they aren't in transit as long? I am getting worried and anxious. Anyone know....please tell.
Well I've never ordered from McMurray but I can tell you about the shipping process they all go through.

No, they are not shipped with food or water. Chicks will survive 72 hours or more on the yolk sack they absorb when they hatch.

They are packed into what will look to you like a very tiny box with holes for ventilation. They will have hay, shredded paper, or other material in the box to help them stay warm.

Chicks are shipped Priority Mail through the USPS so they are in transit as short a time as possible. I ordered my chicks on a Tuesday (hatch day) from another hatchery. They were shipped out the same day and I got them Wednesday morning. You should call your local PO and let them know when you'll be expecting the chicks to come through. Give them all your contact info so they can call you right away when the chicks get in. They'll usually come in the early morning (6-7am) delivery to your PO. Delivery shouldn't take more than a day or two from when they are shipped. With a few phone calls, you'll be able to keep an ear out for where they are. Just be pushy about it when calling the PO!

Good luck! Oh, please tell us about what you ordered!
Thank you soooooo much! That helps with the anxiety. I ordered 25 Ameraucana's and the rare chick they offered free with my order. I can't wait!
I made an order from MM.......as said before, they ship Saturday....I live in Indiana...and Sunday morning, the postmaster called me...said I had chicks in! WOOHOO! 29 sent, only lost one. Not too bad! Good luck, and make sure you are home the Sunday after they ship....there was another order in the post office, from MM,....postmaster said he could not reach the guy...I sure hope he did. POor things.
:)Hi again. All the info people gave was great. Do call the P.O. and let them know what you expecting. We did and at 7a.m. the P.O. called and said your package is here and peeping! My son and I drove down to the P.O. in our pajamas and nobody even blinked.
lol chickenmom. I live in a really small town, full of small town gossip and busy-bodies. Generally we keep to ourselves for the most part, but my husband is an OTR driver so I do get lonely and bored (one of the reasons we got the chickens!). Now I'm active in the town with 4-h, FHA, PTA, and I'm my daughter's Girl Scout leader...anyway, you get the idea. I could just picture the looks and whispers I'd receive if I'd gone to pick up my chickies in my pj's! lol
I'd never hear the end of it! Glad no one blinked at your PJ experience!
I just called my post office and asked about possible p/u on
sunday if they arrive and they said no one is in Sunday and when I asked if someone would call me on Sunday, he said...Is that the way you have it set up with the sender? I said yes, and he said yeah, I guess maybe someone will call you. I said well they are baby chicks and they need to be cared for right away and he said, yeah, hopefully they'll be ok. So who the heck knows. I wish they were here now. I am having a bad day. One of the jobs I applied for and really wanted I found out I didn't get, so I could use some fuzzy little chicks to cheer me up.

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