What should I expect?

jimagination...so sorry to hear about the job....just means there is a better one coming....chin up! I wish you had your little peeps there too. They sure can be a great pick-me-up on bad days. Let us know when you get them, I hope all arrive safely!
We got our chicks last June from McMurray. In June, the birds are hatched on Saturday and arrive on Sunday. We notified our local post office of the chicks arrival date.

Our birds arrived on Sunday at the main postal hub for our area, not our local office. Luckily, an employee there contacted us so we could meet to get the chicks.

So my suggestion would be to contact not only your local post office but also the main hub for your area too. Maybe someone will be working at the main hub and would contact you so the birds don't sit around.

If you used a credit card to order, McMurray's charges the card when the birds are shipped. They will come in a cardboard box with excelsior in the bottom.

Save the shipping box incase you have to use it as an infirmary for one of your new chicks.

If any of your birds arrived injured or don't look like they are going to make it, contact McMurray's 800# within 48 hours of arrival and they will credit you for them. If you got them vaccinated, they will also credit the vaccination costs for those birds.

Make sure your brooder is up to temp before the birds arrive. Have feed and water set up too. As soon as your birds do arrive, dip their beaks into some vitamin/electrolyte water. Put them into the brooder immediately.

Watch and handle them frequently and enjoy them!

Can you believe this? I spend all day trying to get throught to The main hub post office in Reading Pa, Talk to someone in the customer service dept in the USPS 800 number and they give me a new number to the Reading post office to try. It rings for a long time then it sounds like someone picks up and hangs it up. I hope my chickies are treated better than I have been.
Hi. I have been dealing with computer problems and therefore out of touch. It seems to be fixed now. Yeah!!! Sorry to hear about the job. Don't give up. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Something better is probably waiting. Keep trying the P.O. They can be frustrating! Are the chicks due to arrive this Sunday/Monday or next? Where should we meet and when? You can e-mail me by clicking on the link. Did you ask McMurray to vaccinate the chicks?
Hi. I recieved your e-mails, but I am having trouble sending back to you. We been having problems with our computer for the last few days which is why I have been out of touch and may be why I can't reply directly to you. When my husband gets home tonight he can try to fix the problem. Glad the are vaccinated. Ours are too. We are hoping that one or more of our girls will mother them so I don't know if it works better to get them as young as we can or not. Any thoughts out there on this? When we get the e-mail fixed let's talk about where to meet. I hope they arrive on Mon. so it will be easier for you!
:thHi. Still having e-mail problems. I get yours,but can't send back reply so I'll post it here and hope you see it until husband can fix. The price is fine and you should get your money back for them! We are in NJ.
Yay!!!!! They are here! And they all are looking great! I am trying to figure out the photo thing, so I can post some pics. I think I have counted 27 all together. 2 of which are little yellow chicks. I am guessing one of those is the extra surprise chick. Maybe someof you know what they may be....after I figure out the photo thing. I didn't get the waterers from McMurray yet, maybe they will come today. SO I am using a lid to a dish and it seems to be working fine for now.

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