What to do with extra eggs?

We are getting to the point of having lots of eggs. I will be giving them away. First on the list are my neighbors who helped me chase down my runaway chick for 45 minutes!
My 10 chickens average 7-8 eggs a day, we enjoy them but most we give to neighbors and the local food bank. We have Barred Rock, Delawares, Easter Eggers, and a Black Jersey Giant, so we get a beautiful variety of colors. They're quality eggs from spoiled chickens that look pretty, too. Giving is good.
I know of a person who scrambles them and then dries them. This would be one way to have your own eggs in the winter when the hens lay fewer.
We sell our extra eggs, $4 a dozen. (Our neighbours are farmers, they are selling their eggs at the farmer's market for $5 a dozen). My husband owns a small gas/variety store, but we're not allowed to sell the eggs there as they aren't graded (the eggs range in size from a little green Easter Egger's to ones that are so big the egg carton won't close). We keep what we want, but my sister and brother-in-law, who work in the city, take any excess. At the moment, demand is exceeding production. People in the city are going nuts for these eggs.

We have a small flock, 2 roos with 8 hens each (unfortunately, we had to euthanize one hen and lost two more to a coyote in the past couple of weeks, so production is down to about 10 - 12 eggs a day.) What we get from selling the eggs covers their feed and scratch, with a little leftover that if we need a new feeder or waterer (or to buy wild bird seed), it covers that. I have thought of increasing the flock, but really don't want to have too many more -- maybe another 6 hens to replace those we lost and a couple of extra.

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