What you really wish you'd known before getting chicks...

That they got scared the first night and peeped like crazy. I put in a Cockato beanie baby, and that was comforting for them and they settled down.

That they eat A LOT more than I would have guessed.
Carpentry- too true!

I wish I would have headed the warnings about chicken dust from the brooder- I didn't see any of it and I thought we were in the clear, after I moved the chickens out I realized it was EVERYWHERE.

That chickens are hardier than they look and sometimes the best thing to do is just provide support and let their bodies work it out. Don't immediately turn to the meds or invasive treatments.

Also, I had to learn for myself (despite all of the info in books and on the 'net) that I wasn't going to be the one farm flock on the planet that could keep ten roosters peacefully amongst my ladies. (dumb, I know, but I got a bunch of 'free' males with my order last year and was really reluctant to do away with them). So you can go into it with the best of intentions, but understand that nature is nature and you have to have back up plans you can be at peace with BEFORE the situation gets dire.

I also had no idea how much fun chickens would be. How funny they are and how different their personalities can be. My little flock is a zen space for a lot of folks on the farm. In the summer, we like to take our breaks in chairs that allow us to watch "c-t.v.". Allowing the ladies to kick around, find snacks in the field and flop in the dirt has brought a new quality of life to all of us!
That there's a HUGE difference between LF and Bantam chickies.
I bought them at different times and solved the problem by buying the banties a week older.
Worked like a charm!

Just how fat week old chicken nuggets could be!

Meaties DO grow fast!!! But they sure are cute.
Ditto....and they poop a lot and really aren't concerned about where they drop it. My dog is considerate enough to poop at the back of the property, under the bushes even...not so much the chickens

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