What's in YOUR 'Bator Right Now???

In one bator I've got some EE, BCM, OEGB, Silkie, and serama eggs, all due to hatch this week.

In the other bator I've got more of the same, plus a few Japanese eggs I think
There is nothing in my incubator at the moment. HOWEVER, approximately 2 hours from now, it will have the following:

8 Black Copper Marans
9 Olive Eggers (first generation)
8 silkies
2 bantam Easter eggers
3 large fowl Easter eggers
6 Porcelain d'uccles
5 Barnevelders
3 Sebright Surprise (cuz the sebrights are floozies in the yard with the other bantam boys, not just with the sebright roos LOL)
4 Mystery eggs (brown eggs from a friend's mixed flock, unknown as to who laid the eggs or who the daddies are)

Total eggs being set: 48!

Bator's been "warmed up" the last day and a half, temp's at 100.8, humidity's at 42%, has been steady at that ALL day, so we're going to set them as soon as Farmer Lew comes back in the house from building a bigger brooder box (I have a feeling the brooder we're using now with 5 little banties in it won't quite be adequate if we have a decent hatch rate).

ETA: We also have a broody hen, so we gave her 2 of the fertile eggs to see what she'll do. At least we have the bator fired up and ready if she walks away from them.
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Bators are almost full with a lot of babies due to lockdown on the 23rd.I have BBS Lavender and Buff Orps,Barred Rocks,Golden and Blue Golden Cuckoo Marans,BLRW,OEGB,Silkies/Showgirls and a few hundred Coturnix.Then a few days later hubby's OE are due to lockdown. Picked up 32 BBS Ameraucana eggs today that will go in tomorrow...
I just set 24 Buckeye eggs; 12 NH eggs; 3 duck eggs and 2 cochin eggs! The Buckeye eggs are purchased eggs and the others are from my flock. Keeping my fingers crossed for the next three weeks!
I have already posted my list (which are also within my signature), but here is the picture to go with it :eek:)


I'm on day 13 so past the halfway stage - all appeared to be developing by day 8 with the exception of the Light Sussex, which remains clear and will be culled on day 17 if still no change.

Still having issues with the temperature of my incubater, which will be sent off under warranty as soon as these eggs are done with - might be a late hatch as temperature on the low side - gonna move them upstairs tonight as it seems to be warmer upstairs in our house - hoping that might help.
I started with 1 dozen surprise brown eggs, 1 dozen EE eggs, and 4 RIR eggs,but after tossing the clear eggs I now have
10 surprise brown eggs, 4 EE eggs, and 4 RIR eggs.

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