What's the temperature where you are???

91° this afternoon. We have a nice breeze and humidity is 48%
Very slight chance of rain.
The forecast says <17% rain Thursday through Monday but it's anybody's guess as of now. Looks like it's not expected to drop the air temperatures.
My concern is it will bring in just enough moisture for dry lightning. We don't need fires.
My concern is it will bring in just enough moisture for dry lightning. We don't need fires.

Ugh, yes. We tend to have dry storms before the summer rain finally starts, too. Not a good time. We had a wettish winter so there's an unusually high amount of dry brush all over just waiting for a spark.
We call tiny waves "Barbie waves," as in you'd have to be the size of a Barbie doll to surf them.

There are several surfer Barbie dolls, in case anyone was wondering:

View attachment 3866047

I don't know if that's a hair scrunchie, anklet, or part of a surfboard leash around her ankle but any of those work.

She's pretty much everyone I went to high school with. Our high school was an 8-minute bike ride from the beach.
We had Barbies on horseback at me local beach after school / weekends :lol: A maths teacher lived at the bottom of our street nearest the beach and would hitch a ride to school. Dad picked him up one morning after we pointed him out. From then on he had a lift, at least while dad was on the night and arvo shifts. He was sacked for getting caught teaching the boys how to surf using the desks lol.

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