What's the temperature where you are???

86 feels like 96
Humidity 68%
hey that’s almost same as mine last night. it was 91 felt like 101 at 9 pm and I always spend the last 45 minutes outside with the birds - well i felt like I was going to pass out just made it into the house after the last coop was locked. I gave everybody bottles of ice in their water. I have a nice Ryobi fan for the ducks , and chickens are in my lower level garage addition room that has a dehumidifier running… I decided that if it’s ever this hot again, I’m going to bring everybody down to that room a few hours before sunset- not as much for their comfort as for mine
hey that’s almost same as mine last night. it was 91 felt like 101 at 9 pm and I always spend the last 45 minutes outside with the birds - well i felt like I was going to pass out just made it into the house after the last coop was locked. I gave everybody bottles of ice in their water. I have a nice Ryobi fan for the ducks , and chickens are in my lower level garage addition room that has a dehumidifier running… I decided that if it’s ever this hot again, I’m going to bring everybody down to that room a few hours before sunset- not as much for their comfort as for mine
This is why I have a nice barn for the horses - in the winter I appreciate
Not going outside to feed and work around them. They come inside my nice cozy barn, I know they aalso appreciate being inside out of the elements.

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