What's the temperature where you are???

Monday 17th of March 7.10a.m. Cold, windy and clear. 14.8 / 25.9kph SSW, Hg 50%, 16.5C / 61.5F top of 20C / 68F. Windy. Mostly sunny. Marine wind warning. Hazardous surf.

Moon is 91%

Sydney swelters through hottest March night on record in 149 years​

20 hours ago​

By Sam Nichols and Paulina Vidal​


A wave of high temperatures this weekend has been recorded across the country's south-east, including Sydney. (ABC News: Timothy Ailwood)

Sydney has sweltered through its hottest March night on record in 149 years, with temperatures only dropping to 25.9 degrees Celsius.

The previous record in 1876 peaked at 25.4C.

Sydney's Saturday night low temperature was higher than equatorial Singapore, which recorded 25.6C.

At midnight, the temperature at Penrith was still 25.1C. It was 26.6C at Richmond and Terrey Hills recorded 27.1C.

The new record comes amid a warning by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) for soaring temperatures and strong winds on Sunday, and the issuing of a total fire ban for NSW.

"The heat is very much on for New South Wales," BOM senior forecaster Jonathan How said.

"It's a little bit off the all-time March record, which is 40 degrees, but certainly is very, very hot."

Hot westerly winds will also drive up temperatures on the coast, with Bondi expected to reach 36C, while heatwave conditions will continue to be felt across the Illawarra, Southern Tableland and South Coast.

"It is set to set soar to 37 degrees today, also 37 to 38 in Western Sydney. But with those strong winds, we are expecting to see extreme fire danger across Sydney," Mr How said.

Parts of inland NSW were expecting temperatures of up to 40C.

Residents across the state have been warned to stay indoors and hydrated.


A lot of fear-mongering in this article.
I didn't know even dead jellyfish can still sting. A few years ago when visiting my folks in Florida, they took me to the ocean. I was walking along the beach and saw what I assumed must've been a dead jellyfish lying up on shore and put my foot on it to roll it over, and OMG did that burn! They came running to see and affirmed it was a dead jellyfish.

You have to watch where you walk on the beach or even swimming in the gulf because even the tentacles will break away from the jellyfish and sting you if you touch pieces of it that you can not even see
And yes sometimes the tentacles are long and will wrap around you

I was stung like 50+ years ago and stayed out of the water if I saw jellyfish on the beach
Even before they had the purple flags

Alabama gulf beaches have purple flags when jellyfish are in the gulf

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