What's the temperature where you are???

Yes soon we will be enjoying mosquitoes and black flies 😊

I have not felt any mosquito bites since Jan 19 but the bees and flies are definitely around in the day and hearing the either bugs crickets frogs at night

The heavy rain left all the dogwood flowers on the ground and wilted some of the azaleas flowers
I may have mentioned this before, but for the mosquitoes, I have a box of First Saturday's Lime ready to go for hubs to sprinkle. We have a creek down a bank behind our house, and woods between us and the creek. Some areas of the creek are marshy, even have some puddles of sitting water. He sprinkles that FSL along the bank and in the puddles. It won't kill frogs or fish or anything but does kill mosquito larvae.

There is also something called Dunks we bought a couple of years ago on Amazon. Hubby cuts those in half and puts one in a 5-gallon bucket 1/2 full of water. He puts 3 buckets on the bank side of our property up on stumps or boulders so the chickens can't get to them. Those purport to kill larvae too as it draws the female mosquitoes to lay their eggs in there.

We also have a zapper. We need a couple more of those as the chickens love when we dump them, but they are so pricey! Lots of moths too get zapped.

We have noticed a huge reduction here in mosquitos as usually, there are a few weeks you have to be soaked in Cutters or Off or you can't go outside. We'll still get them, but not enough to make it unbearable anymore.

Mobile County Health Department sprays for mosquitoes every year
Monday 307p 67 or 73


I may have mentioned this before, but for the mosquitoes, I have a box of First Saturday's Lime ready to go for hubs to sprinkle. We have a creek down a bank behind our house, and woods between us and the creek. Some areas of the creek are marshy, even have some puddles of sitting water. He sprinkles that FSL along the bank and in the puddles. It won't kill frogs or fish or anything but does kill mosquito larvae.

There is also something called Dunks we bought a couple of years ago on Amazon. Hubby cuts those in half and puts one in a 5-gallon bucket 1/2 full of water. He puts 3 buckets on the bank side of our property up on stumps or boulders so the chickens can't get to them. Those purport to kill larvae too as it draws the female mosquitoes to lay their eggs in there.

We also have a zapper. We need a couple more of those as the chickens love when we dump them, but they are so pricey! Lots of moths too get zapped.

We have noticed a huge reduction here in mosquitos as usually, there are a few weeks you have to be soaked in Cutters or Off or you can't go outside. We'll still get them, but not enough to make it unbearable anymore.
These Ultrasonic Wristbands bracelets are brilliant. On calm evenings the mozzies can be a real pain, especially when I walk in tree-lined areas. Unless it was windy, I was avoiding these areas before I started wearing the bracelet. I've not had a single bite since. I will even wear it down the back yard after rain, when gardening etc on calm days.

Tuesday 18th of March 8.51a.m. Sunny and cold. 11.1 / 13kph SSw, Hg 48%, 19.3C / 68F top of 23C / 73F. Partly cloudy. Marine wind warning.

Moon is 85%

Flood watch issued for Queensland North Tropical Coast one month after disaster​

4 hours ago​

By Chloe Chomicki and Cameron Simmons​


Severe flooding impacted homes and businesses in Ingham in February 2025. (ABC News: Sophie Johnson)

Communities along Queensland's North Tropical Coast are being told to prepare for persistent heavy rain this week.

The wet weather has already set in, with areas around Innisfail recording 100 millimetres in the 24 hours to Monday afternoon.

The Bureau of Meteorology warns more is on the way, with the heaviest falls of up to 200 millimetres expected between Townsville and Cairns.

"There are still a couple more days of heavy rainfall to come," senior forecaster Patch Clapp said.

"Lots of rainfall has already fallen but with more to come, we have seen an initial flood watch put out."

The flood watch extends from Townsville north to about Cooktown.

A moderate flood warning is in place for the Tully River, and minor flood warnings are current for the Johnstone, Mulgrave, and Russell Rivers.

More rain for Ingham​

The weather forecast is another blow to the community of Ingham, where 180 homes were severely impacted by flooding one month ago.

"There is still a lot of trauma being experienced," Hinchinbrook Shire Mayor Ramon Jayo said.

The wet weather is causing renewed landslips on nearby ranges, and catchments are already saturated.

Cr Jayo called on Ingham and Lower Herbert residents to restock their emergency kits.

"We are a flood plain. Various parts of our district do become isolated due to riverine flooding and also due to flash flooding," he said.

"Up here things can change in a heartbeat."

Cr Jayo said he was not expecting the same amount of rainfall that fell across the region last month.

The Bureau of Meteorology observed daily rainfall totals well over 300 millimetres throughout the North Tropical Coast in February.

The highest daily total was at Paluma Ivy Cottage where 745 millimetres was recorded in 24 hours.


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