What's your most expensive or rarest bird?

@Luv Ducks How’s it going with the ducks?
I just put them in with everyone else and they have been just fine. I have so many different breeds, a Welsh Harlequin, Call Ducks, Black East Indies, Mule Duck, Muscovy Ducks, Runner Ducks, Mallards, Rouens, Blue Swedish Duck, Khaki Campbell and they all get along just fine. These ducks have been added to each other as some were rescues and full grown and some raised as ducklings in the house and added later when fully feathered and ready to go outside. Thanks for asking. I love the Wood Ducks, they are absolutely beautiful and they took my breath away when I opened the box after getting them from the post office. It was like looking at a live picture of them. They are skittish and will never eat out of my hand but just being able to watch them and enjoy their beauty is enough for me.

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