when to give treats and what is chick grit?

I also only treat twice a day.

Sounds excessive twice a day...............
I am so happy to have this forum- I will say it again! I just went to a feed store that was recomended by some people in my area. The lady there made me feel horrible. She said flat out that she does not carry anything for chicks at this time of year. She told me grit is a waste of money. I asked if she had any tips or advice since I am new to all of this. She told me "go run in a corner and hide" another lady said to me that "you have a smile on your face now but you won't when you come back in two months" I could not believe this. I know this is not the traditional time to hatch but it seems like a lot of people all over the United States are hatching chicks! Needless to say I will NOT be going back to that store- supposedly in business for over 100 years.

What kind of sand? Did I read that playground sand- like from Home Depot? I am not in any hurry to give them treats, I just want to know what to do when I want to. I love these little guys/gals and want to do what is best for them.
Sounds excessive twice a day...............

How do you know what is excessive? You don't know what quantities I feed. Morning scratch is what I can grab in my (small) hand from the bag for 14 chicks. They have 3 seeds each probably, but it entices them to scratch even after the treat is gone, providing exercise and entertainment. I have zero problems with boredom or agression. The evening treat is equally small sized.

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How do you know what is excessive? You don't know what quantities I feed. Morning scratch is what I can grab in my (small) hand from the bag for 14 chicks. They have 3 seeds each probably, but it entices them to scratch even after the treat is gone, providing exercise and entertainment. I have zero problems with boredom or agression. The evening treat is equally small sized.

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Well the amount is fine, it's just that they really don't need anything extra than their starter crumbles which have special formulations and any treats may deter from that. All I am saying is at 4 day's old it is very young to start treating, you can certainly do as you see fit, I am just trying to see the need for it is all.
Good point............. but what they would find naturaly by being reared by the hen is less nutrious than the commerical medicated starter. The chicks just do better on it and it helps them get a better start on life. Sure what did they do before starters LOL they got by with what they had for sure.
Starter/grower is optimal nutrition.
When chicks are raised with a hen I do worry about the extra calcium because they do eat some layer feed. So far they've fared well.

I try to separate them as soon as I can or put the hen and chicks in a separate building and feed them all grower. The hen isn't laying then so doesn't need the extra calcium and benefits from the extra protein after being on a 21 day diet.

There really isn't a wrong way per se.
There is an optimum way to feed and less optimal ways. Very few just plain bad.
but what they would find naturaly by being reared by the hen is less nutrious than the commerical medicated starter. The chicks just do better on it and it helps them get a better start on life.

I am not disputing that fact and that's why I am making sure that 99% of their food is the crumbles and I give very little volume for treats, but I give it not for nutrition but to give them some exercise, something to do, and to extend their palates to keep them curious, just like they would be with momma hen. It seems to me that they would be bored out of their minds in a brooder with the same food day in day out without any distraction or diversion. So that is the main reason I give them (very small) treats, not to enhance their nutrition.​
but to give them some exercise, something to do, and to extend their palates. It seems to me that they would be bored out of their minds in a brooder with the same food day in day out.

LOL I love this thread................... a special diet............ and a little Palates ...........and then some entertainment. So when are you going to install the Exspresso machine and treadmill in their coop,
Oh no, the espresso machine is for me and stays in the kitchen! They're not getting any of my precious Counter Culture Coffee. And I don't think they need the treadmill with the amount of chasing they do. I've never been very fond of the Gym so I won't do that to my chicks either, I'm just providing opportunities for them to chase each other so that they are kept entertained.

My question to you is: Astronaut food is nutritionally balanced. Would you forgo your normal eating routine to just eat balanced astronaut food that has no variation and no taste? The answer is probably no. So why impose that on chicks? As long as they get the nutrition they need, I think it doesn't hurt to give them some variety applied within limits and with common sense.

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