When to segregate a molting hen


In the Brooder
Dec 17, 2024
We have a molting hen, approximately a year old. She started a partial molt on her neck a few weeks ago. Feathers on her neck area are slowly growing back. She is acting really lethargic, lost a ton of weight and is basically skin and bones. She isn’t getting picked on but she stopped going into the coop at night on her own a couple days ago (we have been putting her in because it’s chilly at night). She isn’t eating much at all but I still see her drinking occasionally. I’m getting concerned we are going to lose her if this keeps up. I have read you shouldn’t stress them more with a new environment, but I feel like I need to find a way to monitor her intake. The flock is currently on a 22% Nutrena egg layer feed but that doesn’t matter if she isn’t eating it imho. Suggestions?
Going to try letting the others out of the run and leave her inside by herself with some high quality food like tuna/egg that will entice her to eat more than the regular food. I just took out some rice with tuna and mealworms mixed in and the coop went crazy. She is eating a little but gets pushed around by all the others.

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