Where is Chuck...?


Sep 20, 2022
Just looking for some expertise here. Chuck, my rooster disappeared yesterday. My flocks free range and Chuck has been in charge since day 1. Last night, we are all doing out nightly snack before bed (worms) outside the coop, then we all walk in and get settled in for the night. Last night.... no Chuck. He typically hangs around the coop and adjacent buildings and sometime ventures a little farther but, my house is approximately 500 ft from the coop and he has never come up to the house. With that being said, I have combed my entire farm looking for him. The question I have is unless the animal is sick and dying, does anyone have any suggestions as to what may have happened. I see no evidence of a struggle and I read that hawks do not attack roosters. Your thoughts?
Hawks can and will attack a rooster, but my guess is that it was a dog or a coyote if there is no evidence. A canine will grab by the neck, give a quick shake to break the neck so there is no fighting back and then they take off with them.
Here's the update 4 days in... chuck re appears. But he is still very afraid of the other rooster. The "bad boy" is a bully to Chuck and his two identical siblings. The siblings pretty much stay clear of him, but he always goes after Chuck. He is not aggressive to me, or the hens, just Chuck. He is a really good rooster staying close to some of the flock so I hate to get rid of him. Question: Does anyone have any experience on breaking a bully?
When it's rooster on rooster it's not going to happen. They may learn to coexist if there is enough space and hens. Frequently it escalates to the point that the dominant rooster kills the subordinate.
When it's rooster on rooster it's not going to happen. They may learn to coexist if there is enough space and hens. Frequently it escalates to the point that the dominant rooster kills the subordinate.
That's all I needed to know. Thank you so much for your input. I'm re homing "Mr Bully"
When it's rooster on rooster it's not going to happen. They may learn to coexist if there is enough space and hens. Frequently it escalates to the point that the dominant rooster kills the subordinate.
Update... found homes for Mr Bully and his siblings. .. Peace at home once more.

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