White Sport Cream Legbars

It looks like I, too, have joined the realm of white legbars. In doing a test hatch of eggs from my gold/cream pullet, I got a normal looking male chick and a white legbar chick. These are the parents that produced the white chick.

And the little white chick

It is hard to tell the sex on this one. It definately does have a "whiter" spot on its head but the location is very high on the head, above the eye as you can see from picture. There was also faint chipmunk lines down its back as well.
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It looks like I, too, have joined the realm of white legbars. In doing a test hatch of eggs from my gold/cream pullet, I got a normal looking male chick and a white legbar chick. These are the parents that produced the white chick.

And the little white chick

It is hard to tell the sex on this one. It definately does have a "whiter" spot on its head but the location is very high on the head, above the eye as you can see from picture. There was also faint chipmunk lines down its back as well.
Very pretty chick HaplessRunner

I was reading outside the USA (UK and Australia) - as published on line - and they say that the chipmunk stripes - especially on the back denote the female and she has a white headspot. The male's headspot is supposedly defused over the whole body - and they don't mention the blotch (some sources do, however, mention the white head spot on males as being very large)....

In a color plate that I bought on eBay that is a supplement to 'the Feathered World' 1938 that also accompanies the Punnett article in genetics journal here: -http://www.ias.ac.in/jarch/jgenet/41/1.pdf - all the males shown have definite white blotches on their little heads. -- You have seen a B&W version of the color plate that I have on BYC showing 5-stuffed chicks. Scroll to the very last page of the article-- items 1 and 5 are more noticable.

For my hatches, the headspots on the males have been VERY prominent. The females that had headspots were less noticable. Hopefully this chick will grow out and provide the answer to you.

Although a very dark downed chick it shows the female headspot:

BTW, I really like your hen and rooster. I think that the hen looks almost interchangeable with one I have here.
I have a young trio of these growing out - 1 male and 2 females. I was not a fan at first but when I hatched one and it was female I decided to see for myself what they look like and .... Well she is gorgeous and I'm not the biggest fan of white birds for where I live - hawk city. The boy is nice also, a bit slight but his comb is straight and he is still very young and they all seem healthy. I have another young male to make 2 pair if I chose but he has not crest so he'll be culled but the second female who is a week older seems to be just fine.
I'll be in-breeding but I'm hoping that I can try breeding them next spring and see what happens. It all depends on how many roosters I can get past the husband. I'll try to take and post photos at some point. Never really willing to just go by someone else's word if it's possible for me to see for myself. Fingers crossed on getting the boy past the hubby.

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