Who has chicks shipping from MPC today or from anywhere

Mine ship April 12th, too!

2 Salmon Faverolles
2 Partridge Rock
2 Speckled Sussex
2 Easter Eggers

We're going to start building the coop this month--can't wait!
WOW! April 12th is going to be a busy day!

My MPC order ships today! I'm so nervous......I hope the weather is good and all is well on arrival day, wensday! I ordered: 2 Delaware, 3 EE's, 3 Red stars and 2 silver laced wyandottes. I live in Utah, beautiful weather this week, just like spring...still gets cold at night!

Im with you!! We are nervous and excited! My son comes in and stares at me every hour... like I have some control over this???
silly kid!
Sounds like the weather there is going to be just right! Georgia is sunny and beautiful too! YAY!!!
Well you said "or from anywhere" lol so I am gonna help myself to your thread, thanks!

Expecting 6 EE, 4 BB, and 4 Assorted from Ideal, shipping Wednesday, and should be arriving Friday.
they are located in Norwalk, CT and I think they get some from Meyers Hatchery in Ohio. My Pet Chicken does sex their bantams and Meyers does not.
Im really curious how the shipping works, do they have someone at the hatchery picking out the chicks and mailing them from there? Or does the hatchery just pick and send?

mstricer Hope you get your BLRW soon!!! when did you order them?

kipepeo do you know what kind of chicks you have coming?

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