Who's been hurt making their coop/run?


Yep, it counts!!
Oh my goodness... I, too, am sorry for those of you truly hurt during construction but the rest of these are just cracking me up.

I'm pretty sure falling out of a chair counts.

I want to know how many chickens popped an egg from laughing at their people!
all of the above and after the coop comes the rain then its fun to watch each other slide around in the mud and the poo and try not to fall. notice i said try if the last 3 weeks i had to change my cloths befor work and my buddy that helps me with chickens has done the same. cant help but luagh at each other.
The no-climb wire fence I used for their run got me pretty good, as did the hardware cloth I used to build a lid for their brooder.
I remember being stabbed by the run fencing, seeing the blood, and then walking over to the rain gutter and letting the rain wash it away - then it was right back to working on the fence! (Can you say determined!?)

I also almost got crushed by the coop itself while we were pulling it into place with the truck - I was helping to steady it on one side when I saw it start to wobble - next thing I knew, it was starting to fall over in my direction! Thankfully I darted out of the way in time and my dad rushed in, pushed it back straight and held it while I tied it more securely with cable straps!

Do the blood blisters I get from being pecked by chickens also count? These little birds are dangerous business!
No harm so far!
But we've only worked on it one weekend so far (We're only able to work on it during the weekends).
But this weekend I'll be helping *and taking pictures* so the streak is going to be disrupted.
The police officer that works at my school was going to arrest my husband for abuse after a weekend of coop building. I tripped over the dog and into the hardware cloth. Ripping the crap out of my arm. Wasn't until I showed him the scratches were all a half inch apart that he backed off.
Yup, my coop construction left me with painful memories...

Since my DSO had decided it would be good for me to build the darn thing alone, I was holding up one of the windows with one hand, while trying to manage a power driver in the other hand. The window fell, and I tried to break its fall. It was pretty heavy. It left a nasty bruise down my entire arm. (And I never bruise.) After that I got pretty good with rigging up pulleys and such when I needed a third hand.

edited for spelling
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