Who's been hurt making their coop/run?

I am currently sporting a veritable rainbow of a bruise on my thigh where the 2x4 frame came whipping down on me.
As we aren't done yet...there could be more to come:D

oh, chicken wire is the worst!! I don't know how many times I've gotten sratched while simply trying to unroll the wire!!! GRRRRR!! My husband laughs at me, because with all the scratches on my arms it makes him say that everyone's gonna think he's a wife beater, LOL!

I have done nothing short of extraordinary when building my coop. I bent down to pick up something (don't even remember what it was or if it was important), and I had a heavy duty 6 foot tall steel t-post fall on my head and shoulder and nearly knock me out. That'll be the last time I try to save one measly zip-tie... oh yeah! That's what I was bending over to pick up... Sheesh.
Um, I haven't done anything requiring a trip to the E.R. per se... I went anyways cause I tried to pass out when I was cleaning it myself. Don't ask me why, 'cause I have no idea, but I was trying to split a 2x4 with a hatchet. Well, needless to say, that didn't work, and I missed the main tendon in my ankle by a mere half an inch. It was a tiny wound, but deep. It was the shape of an eye, it was a sharp, clean cut, right through my denim jeans. I held it together with a band aid at first and then when I couldn't flex my foot upwards I decided I'd better see the doc. He said it was just the swelling but if I had hit just a fraction of an inch over, and hit a little bit harder, I wouldn't have been able to drive myself the hour to the E.R., that I wouldn't have been able to walk on it at all, because my foot would have been floppy. Lucky me!
I cut my finger off with my new chop saw while building the floor for my coop. It was really stupid.

Nothing serious here - but all the minor injuries were mysteriously "accidentally" done to me by my DBF - he dropped a 2 x 4 on my head one time, and the next time he pushed me over with a 10' x 10' chain link panel and then "accidentally" stepped on it while I was lying on the ground trapped underneath it...hmmm....
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I cut my finger off with my new chop saw while building the floor for my coop. It was really stupid.

Oh no, Jayon, I hope it didn't delay your coop!

My daughter is always kidding me about coop injuries. I'm walking around right now with 2 black eyes from getting hit in the forehead and nose with a piece of plywood (self inflicted) But, can't compete with Jayon.​
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I flipped backwards off chair while pulling the hardware over the top of our run. Broke my right wrist so bad that I now have a plate in my arm.
We finally finished my A-frame tractor, and were ready to take it down from the sawhorses we had it up on to finish. Somehow it slipped on the way down, tipped violently, and bashed me in the head. No bruise or bleeding, but now I know what whiplash is -- my neck's been aching for 2 weeks! DH felt pretty bad about that one, even though it wasn't his fault.
Youch!! I did that sort of thing to my hand when building my 'koi' pond (it only has giant goldfish, no koi).

It's a real, lasting pain- hurt for months!

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