Who's been hurt making their coop/run?

Oh, that reminds me of my other mishap! I was putting together a temporary summer coop for 4 new started pullets around the first of April. I needed to remove a nail, but I was in a space that was rather tight and I was too close to my work. When I pulled the hammer handle back to remove the nail I struck my cheek just under my right eye. Had a bruise for almost a week.
While building my chicken tractors, I was holding down a piece of 2x2 furring, drilling in a long screw using a power drill that turned out to be too powerful. The bit jumped off the head of the screw and came down, still going full blast, and got my thumbnail. Luckily, I always wear work gloves and it just left a very painful red swollen spot and didn't break the skin. Lesson learned. Never hold the wood so close to the screw being drilled.
my personal rule is that it ain't a project unless I bleed for it, but some of ya'll just over do that way too much. I will be so much more careful out there after reading all these posts! Yikes! I just bleed, but DH tends to need the ER...
Such an educational thread!
Oh my goodness! Maybe we need a "how to build anything without injuring yourself" stickie!

Ok - what have we learned...

1) Don't use power tools.
2) Don't use non power tools.
3) Don't use wire of any kind.
4) Don't use ladders.
5) Don't use wood.

So - don't build anything yourself.... hire it out and watch someone else get hurt!

Who knew having chickens was so dangerous!
That's my philosophy too - a little blood and sweat is good... but some people apparently just can't help but go overboard.... the showoffs....

If OSHA ever gets ahold of this thread, we're all in big trouble!

Maybe it's time BYC offered us a medical insurance plan?
Hate to quote myself, but since it's on the subject, and a little ironic...

I haven't even got my chicks yet, and I tore the daylights out of my hand while unloading feed from the TSC cart. Now you see why I posted what I did?!

I'm going to have to start putting bandaids on my chicken costs spreadsheet.
i think i beat the bees, the other day I went a blazing with guns in both hands, bee spray in one and caulk gun in the other, waited untildusk when they are least expecting it, sprayed in each hole and shot a load of caulk in after to block emin----havent seen them since. I amafraid they are regrouping for a planned assault on me one day soon.
Does near death count?
On a wednesday about 7 weeks ago my hb and I were working on the coop. He needed a small piece of wood to cover the edge of some wire to keep us from getting stuck when we walk by. He had the table saw. It caught the small piece of wood and shot it backward. It hit his abdomen. Well, this was on wednesday. We put ice on it since it appeared to be a bruise, no break in the skin and felt very lucky it was not worse. The next week on Tues. he started vomiting and had upset stomach. He called the Dr. and he started him on a dose pak of antibiotic because he said there was a stomach bug going around. He did not get better and finally the next Mon. he went to the Dr. and the bruise on his abdomen was noted, as was the hardness of his swollen abdomen. After a cat scan we learned has a full obstruction with infection pockets all in the abdomen!!! In the hospital he went. After 4 days of high powered antibiotic and hopeing the swelling would go down and thus the obstruction, surgery was nec. When he went in for surgery, it was with a very irreg. pulse of 42 and white ct. of 40,000. I was truly scared and praying hard. He came through it and now 7 weeks later is doing again. Taking it slow but doing. PLEASE be careful with power tools of all kinds. They could be deadly. Gloria Jean

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