Why are my chickens plucking out each others fluffy bum feathers and eating them?

I guess your chickens like tuna too. You never can tell. Hens each have their own likes and dislikes. Mine loved tuna for a few days then stopped eating it then loved it again a few months later. I hope it gives your girls the protein boost needed to curb their feather appetite. Keep us posted.
My silkie started doing this about two weeks before she started laying, then continued for another two weeks. It drove me mad! I've been giving the flock a few handfuls of black oil sunflower seeds and some mealworms every day, hoping the extra protein would nip this behavior in the bud. The butt-plucking has slowed down quite a bit since I started the extra protein snacks, so I'm going to keep it going. Hope your tuna snacks help your girls too.
I am having the same problem with my chickens except for one. All but one have naked butts. I give lots of extra stuff for protein, but can I give them it every day and how much? If I gave a can or two of cat food a day, kibble , fish , tuna what ever a day would that be enough? Can you feed the chick food in the winter to your layers as long as you make sure they have oyster shell all the time? I just am at my wits end with this. I just am not sure if (because the one does not have any thing missing) it is a bully thing or a protein thing. I have tried the blue kote and the plucker stuff with no results. So any help would be appreciated as far as how much and how often can I give something.
I am having the same problem with my chickens except for one. All but one have naked butts. I give lots of extra stuff for protein, but can I give them it every day and how much? If I gave a can or two of cat food a day, kibble , fish , tuna what ever a day would that be enough? Can you feed the chick food in the winter to your layers as long as you make sure they have oyster shell all the time? I just am at my wits end with this. I just am not sure if (because the one does not have any thing missing) it is a bully thing or a protein thing. I have tried the blue kote and the plucker stuff with no results. So any help would be appreciated as far as how much and how often can I give something.

Is it possible you have a roo? and that is the one with feathers intact?
No I don't have a rooster they are almost a year old. I would have noticed that a while ago. She also has been laying eggs since 20 weeks old
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Trying to find an answer to why we have 3 out of 4 chickens with bald bottoms and came across this thread. I know we have one bully girl but can't really separate her with our set up. I am hoping that once they get more time outside maybe she'll lay off the others a little. And I think I'll throw some crushed dry cat food in with their scratch just in case it is a protien thing.
I am having the same problem with my chickens. I have 11 hens and 1 rooster. Their outdoor pen size is approx 12 X 12. I give them lots of protein treats and they have a nice sized indoor coop to lay their eggs. At least 6 of my hens have bald butts. I have tried the Blu-kote many times and it hasn't helped. I am at my wits end and don't know what else to do? Any suggestions? Is my outdoor fenced-in run too small?

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