Why are my chickens plucking out each others fluffy bum feathers and eating them?

I'm having the same problem with just one of our 15 hens. She literally chases the other ladies and plucks their feathers then eats them. I've seen her just pulling at them like she's crazy. She eats the same food they do and goes to the same places, but she's the only one doing it. Lays good eggs, and other than eating the others' feathers, seems healthy. If she doesn't stop she may end up in our freezer.
I had a couple of sex links hens do this, I think they lay so much that they get depleted in protein, I personally don't keep such hens anymore, it can go from a deficiency to a habit, culling is one answer, uping the protein content can help, and avoid any crowding.
We were having the same problems. They were looking quite ragged/haggered.

I changed from 16% layer food to 22% grower (with oyster shells elsewhere) and things have improved quite a bit. It took a while for things to improve. I will not go back.
I too have hens eating each other's feathers. They are still laying eggs every day. I feed them layer crumble, our leftovers, including meat, and once a week or so they get scrambled eggs. They also love the grass, and cut up veggies on a regular basis. What else can be done to stop this?

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