Why are my chickens so small??

Thanks! I knew the bantam part , but I'm rusty on my chicken-ese and didnt catch the oeg. I googled it and the one really does look like this. And I got an egg today that I would expect to see if so. The black and white one looks exactly like a barred rock, but mini version. Is there a such thing as bantam barred rock?

I believe so
Thanks! I knew the bantam part , but I'm rusty on my chicken-ese and didnt catch the oeg. I googled it and the one really does look like this. And I got an egg today that I would expect to see if so. The black and white one looks exactly like a barred rock, but mini version. Is there a such thing as bantam barred rock?
She's a Cuckoo OEGB. White legs.

Bantam Barred Rocks exist.
So, I used to raise chickens for years before I had to move. I'm finally able to have chicks again, but I am limited to a small backyard coop. Big change since my previous chickens were free range. Anyway, I got three chicks from Tractor Supply the end of May. Supposed to be an Easter Egger, a barred rock, and a Cinnamon Queen. The EE just started laying a few days ago. My other two, they are less than half the size of her. I have never seen anything like it. Started thinking bantam maybe? But not sure. Also not sure if the CQ is really a CQ. Attaching a few pics. Hopefully someone can help. Scratching my head over this... Thanks!!
Gosh that cuckoo hen is gorgeous! What a beauty 💕
Thank you!! I love them so much.. just totally different than what they were sold as. A nice surprise.
Hoover Hatchery I take it since from TSC.

I have 4, 15 week old pullets here I got from Peavey Mart (our version of TSC) - Hoover Hatchery chicks. I have absolutely no idea what they are and I am eggcited to see what colour eggs they lay 😊 my luck brown hahaha
I could hardly wait to see what color my EE's egg was going to be. It's a funky tanish with a gray-bluish hue...lol. but any color ois beautiful when it comes from your own chicken!!
looks like my oegbs, i have a barred and a creole. Though yours seem to have bigger combs


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looks like my oegbs, i have a barred and a creole. Though yours seem to have bigger combs
Thanks, yakitori. That comb had me thinking it might be a roo, but at almost 5 months, I'm thinking I would hear the beginnings of a crow. Your chickies are beautiful, btw.

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