wild bird seed safe for chickens???

thanks. someone else said they plant the sunflower seeds and grow plants. I have to try that. Great idea.
My husband picked up a bail of straw for the chickens coop ,and their covered run.this past winter.and my hens would gather around as I pulled it apart.I noticed them eating some tiny seeds in the straw.I did worry about them getting crop bound from the long pieces of straw.I went to my local tractor supply and picked up a bag of quality bird seed.I gave them a little bit and they were in chicken heaven.I have always provided them scratch during the winter months.But the bird seed had black oil sunflower seeds and AL kinds of tiny little seeds.They love it.
Lol i went to the store and they had a bag that was torn n missing some so i got it checked backyatd n found they really love it. Wow they really got excited even my 2 new 11 wk old golden comet n black gold laced wyanadotte glad it got it.
I'm new to backyard chickens. My chicks are still inside. We have always had wild bird feeders in our yard and I've read several articles saying I should get rid of them because of disease. Does anyone have any real experience with this?
A lot of things are possible. A piece of space junk could fall out of the sky and hit your house. You could have a fender bender the next time you go to the store. How much are you going to let something that might happen rule your life?

It is possible wild birds could bring diseases or more likely parasites to your flock. It can happen. Sometimes it even does. Having a bird feeder in your back yard will attract birds to your back yard so yes, the possibility increases. But wild birds go into my coop to eat the chicken feed. I have never had a disease or parasite problem in the many years I’ve been keeping chickens here. I realize that could change today, but it hasn’t yet.

During the winter I keep a bird feeder in my back yard where my wife can see it from her sewing room. She does enjoy watching those birds. It’s almost time to hang my hummingbird feeder. Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks for the real life input. There is SO much info out there on the web and in books that it's hard to decide what to listen to. Everybody's an expert ;)
The mites issue from wild birds is a concern we have. Our four chickens recently had mites, and I read it can come from wild birds. Our chickens love to hang out under the bird feeder, eating lots. We treated the mites, and have temporarily stopped filling the bird feeder. I am hoping our chickens will eat more of their own food. They are close to laying age.
Does anyone have a concern about their free ranging girls not eating enough of their food?

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