Will hens raise ducklings?


Daddy roo also accepts them. With the last two ducklings, as they got older he spent a lot of time trying to get them to roost.
I have a Welsummer, whom hadn't even reached her first birthday, that became very broody in early spring. We got pretty frustrated with the fact that she would just not leave the nesting box. Through tons research, i decided to just give her some fertile eggs, they just happened to be fertile duck eggs. She sat on them tirelessly for four long weeks and three little peeping babies came over three days. She is a great momma, and i mean great, and has even taken up some duck behavior, it's absolutely adorable. They are four weeks old now, and i have mostly successfully introduced the clan back into our hen family of four. We have one problem child, a bitchy White Delaware that will not let them into the coop at night. She blocks mom from the babies and basically bullies her. She hasn't cause any injury, just a lot of stress. Any advice?
My little farm consists of 4 cats, 2 dogs, 25 chickens, 2 ducks, a goose, 8 horses and two babies on the way, on top of my own baby due in May and the garden to boot! I really don't know why all I can think about is babies, chicks, ducklings, foals and gardening right now lol I am gunna have my hands full!
I should have put the quote in the message. I've heard of Hens incubating ducklings, but pretty mixed experiences on the Hens raising them.
I have a little call duck who I'd like to get ducklings from next year. I don't want her setting out near the pond (coyotes/fox dangers), would a duck let you move her nest? How do you think a hen would handle hatching ducklings, would she raise ducklings? If so, would she raise them healthy or would it be best to take them all away from her as they hatch?
Hens will kill a duckling even a turkey chick as soon as it hatches
Because the duck. Bill looks like defective chick
My hens do the same to turkey chicks
So i let them sit them for three weeks them move them to my incubator. To finish them

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