Winter= taking away their "fun"

I find that the bigger the duck the more laid back and friendly they are. How loud are the geese compared to the female ducks
My geese are louder but only sound off when a big bird is flying overhead or the female will wander away from the male and he will sound off to find her. They will communicate from across the yard to find each other. I don't have a lot going on. I only have 2 small, old dogs that mind their business, the 7 ducks and the 2 geese. I think the ducks overall make noise more often than the geese do. But the few times the geese honk, it is loud. If this makes any sense.

I always think the ducks are more noisy because they gossip more, nag on each other more, want food. Just overall bossy and very busy creatures.

The geese just chill.


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The sandbox pool goes away when the hard freeze comes (which makes it too heavy to dump.) One oval rubber tub says out all winter with a heater. They don't wander and stay close to the coop when it's snowy. Rain, snow, deep freeze the birds choose to go out all day every day. If the weather is bad they huddle under a fir tree, if the sun is out they sunbathe with their feet and bills tucked in. If it's above 20f they'll bathe.

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