Witchcraft thread

Can you explain this a bit? How do you do this?

Oh, I love well done dreads! I have seen some that look fantastic! And some that look like a rat's nest, unfortunately.

Ricin comes from castor beans. Four to eight can be deadly for an adult.

What I mean to say is, plants can be poisonous, so be careful and do research before using any herbal treatments.
I’m not big on spells. My only exception is my car and traveling; I have a tiny protection spell pouch in there that I recharge from time to time with new herbs and such. On a full moon, I like Spring, I just hold each herb in my hand and talk to it, asking for it to aid in protecting us and the car from harm and thank it for its help. You can write a poem as your spell, or just say whatever comes to mind. Picture your will mixing with the herbs, the energies working together to accomplish the goal. Sometimes I’ll write out the word protection in a sigil that I creat and put that in too. I just keep it in my console.

Full and waxing moons are for positive change. Waning and dark moons are for banishing.

The only other thing I do is burn white sage in my home regularly. Before anyone comes unglued, let me explain. As a human being I feel it’s important to think of our planet. Why would I import some special ingredient that has traditionally been used by people half way across the world when I can grow this plant in my own yard and use it for the same purpose? Without involving a plane, train or automobile. Bloom where you’re planted. Not that I don’t enjoy some Copal or Frankincense from time, but they’re a treat and not for regular use.

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