Witchcraft thread

Would you mind posting a pic? Maybe we can help you figure them out. @JacinLarkwell would probably be your best bet with that

I used a white paper towel for the background, to try to get the most accurate color reproduction.
I’m happy you’re seeing results Sally. We don’t really know if the stone/crystal actually helps or if it’s a placebo, but either way for you it’s something that helps so that’s fantastic!

Quartz is often used in conjunction with other crystals or stones to enhance them. Would you mind posting a pic? Maybe we can help you figure them out. @JacinLarkwell would probably be your best bet with that.
I am far from an expert, but I can certainly try!
oh and my birthday was recently! I got a lot of crystals which i really appreciate from a bunch of different people; Pink florite, amethyst, desert rose (crystal), red jasper, strawberry quartz, tigers eye, orange and yellow calcite and rose quartz!! got quite the collection now ;) I also got an amber necklace!!! im so happy
Happy (belated) Birthday!! 🎂🥳

Sounds like a lovely collection of crystals 🥰 post a picture or two!
I'm partial to amethyst myself.
I know you’re not an expert, but I thought it would be right up your alley; if you’re not positive I knew you’d be honest and say so. To me that’s the important part ;)
It is right up my alley. I'll glance through what I have and see if anything else looks similar and would be a good match with hematite

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