Witchcraft thread

I think they all count as pop. I am not good at differentiating strains of music unless it's painfully obvious. Let me look through my songs and see if there are any I think you'd like that won't get you grounded
Technically, my mom doesn’t even know I’ve been listening to this kind of music, and I am super careful to erase my Spotify history, in case she looks. But I’d still like to stay on the safe side.
I’m curious to hear from everyone as to their relationship (or lack thereof) with their intuition? Who hears the whispers (or the shouts) and ignores them? Who listens intently and honours at all times or wherever possible? And everything in between, all shades of grey. We all have our strengths and the areas in which we struggle.

I always KNOW… in the moment, somewhere, and more clearly in hindsight… but I don’t always listen to/respect/act on my knowing. Mostly due to patterns of emotional repression established in very early childhood. I’m trying to unlearn these patterns and honour my truth, but it’s hard. I feel so alone a lot of the time. I’ve struggled — and still struggle — with my self-concept and boundaries. I’m a people-pleaser who sacrifices my own needs to ensure others are comfortable.

Generally speaking I don’t think our intuition/gut feeling/inner knowing is something that is protected, valued and nurtured in most societies, especially Western societies — but it’s something I am coming to realise is very important. I also think that it’s commonly the domain of women (see “witches”); a woman’s intuition, the realm of feeling, the body. Our connection to source and truth, crippled by the crowning of Reason and Science — which of course have their place, but do not represent every kind of knowledge, understanding or expertise that exists.

Anyway yeah I’m just keen to hear your thoughts on the matter, if you have any you wish you share xxx
I’m curious to hear from everyone as to their relationship (or lack thereof) with their intuition? Who hears the whispers (or the shouts) and ignores them? Who listens intently and honours at all times or wherever possible? And everything in between, all shades of grey. We all have our strengths and the areas in which we struggle.

I always KNOW… in the moment, somewhere, and more clearly in hindsight… but I don’t always listen to/respect/act on my knowing. Mostly due to patterns of emotional repression established in very early childhood. I’m trying to unlearn these patterns and honour my truth, but it’s hard. I feel so alone a lot of the time. I’ve struggled — and still struggle — with my self-concept and boundaries. I’m a people-pleaser who sacrifices my own needs to ensure others are comfortable.

Generally speaking I don’t think our intuition/gut feeling/inner knowing is something that is protected, valued and nurtured in most societies, especially Western societies — but it’s something I am coming to realise is very important. I also think that it’s commonly the domain of women (see “witches”); a woman’s intuition, the realm of feeling, the body. Our connection to source and truth, crippled by the crowning of Reason and Science — which of course have their place, but do not represent every kind of knowledge, understanding or expertise that exists.

Anyway yeah I’m just keen to hear your thoughts on the matter, if you have any you wish you share xxx
I usually listen to my dreams. Recently if I have had a nightmare, i will lose a chicken soon after, like a few days after. Last year, I knew somebody would fall during the studio show (each dance class does a dance one of the teachers choreographed). I brushed it off, thinking it was just me being nervous. The last dance, my feast friend fell. She wasn’t badly hurt, but I knew that I couldn’t let it go as just a coincidence. So I’ve started listening to my mind, and learned some stuff!

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