Witchcraft thread

I’m curious to hear from everyone as to their relationship (or lack thereof) with their intuition? Who hears the whispers (or the shouts) and ignores them? Who listens intently and honours at all times or wherever possible? And everything in between, all shades of grey. We all have our strengths and the areas in which we struggle.

I always KNOW… in the moment, somewhere, and more clearly in hindsight… but I don’t always listen to/respect/act on my knowing. Mostly due to patterns of emotional repression established in very early childhood. I’m trying to unlearn these patterns and honour my truth, but it’s hard. I feel so alone a lot of the time. I’ve struggled — and still struggle — with my self-concept and boundaries. I’m a people-pleaser who sacrifices my own needs to ensure others are comfortable.

Generally speaking I don’t think our intuition/gut feeling/inner knowing is something that is protected, valued and nurtured in most societies, especially Western societies — but it’s something I am coming to realise is very important. I also think that it’s commonly the domain of women (see “witches”); a woman’s intuition, the realm of feeling, the body. Our connection to source and truth, crippled by the crowning of Reason and Science — which of course have their place, but do not represent every kind of knowledge, understanding or expertise that exists.

Anyway yeah I’m just keen to hear your thoughts on the matter, if you have any you wish you share xxx
I tend to muffle mine more than I probably should. I'm always so paranoid and anxious though that I know not every bad feeling is actually a bad feeling.
Generally speaking I don’t think our intuition/gut feeling/inner knowing is something that is protected, valued and nurtured in most societies, especially Western societies — but it’s something I am coming to realise is very important.
Many years ago, Hubby and I went to Iceland. I was talking to a (female) cop afterward, and told her about one experience I had there when I felt slightly uncomfortable, but not really threatened, as it was in a very public place.

She told me to pay attention to those kinds of feelings. She said she thought, no, knew, that "women's intuition" was real.
I’m curious to hear from everyone as to their relationship (or lack thereof) with their intuition? Who hears the whispers (or the shouts) and ignores them? Who listens intently and honours at all times or wherever possible? And everything in between, all shades of grey. We all have our strengths and the areas in which we struggle.

I always KNOW… in the moment, somewhere, and more clearly in hindsight… but I don’t always listen to/respect/act on my knowing. Mostly due to patterns of emotional repression established in very early childhood. I’m trying to unlearn these patterns and honour my truth, but it’s hard. I feel so alone a lot of the time. I’ve struggled — and still struggle — with my self-concept and boundaries. I’m a people-pleaser who sacrifices my own needs to ensure others are comfortable.

Generally speaking I don’t think our intuition/gut feeling/inner knowing is something that is protected, valued and nurtured in most societies, especially Western societies — but it’s something I am coming to realise is very important. I also think that it’s commonly the domain of women (see “witches”); a woman’s intuition, the realm of feeling, the body. Our connection to source and truth, crippled by the crowning of Reason and Science — which of course have their place, but do not represent every kind of knowledge, understanding or expertise that exists.

Anyway yeah I’m just keen to hear your thoughts on the matter, if you have any you wish you share xxx
I try to listen to mine as much as possible. Although as of late I've had a strong intuition I will die at a young age
I'm also pretty accurately able to tell goid people from bad ones very soon after I meet them just by feeling. It's odd. I've been right on lots of people
Interesting! What are your criteria for good or bad? For me, that's an entire spectrum.

A lot of people fall into the category, "People I'd Rather Not Deal With," because they suck energy out of me. There are a few peple I know who I'd call truly evil.

On the good end, there are people who still suck energy out of me, but they also give me something in return.
Every year, since 2020, there has been a pattern. That was the year my old dog died. The next, my dad got into a car crash. Last year, my grandma died of cancer. This year, my dad fell on the ice. Next year, somebody is going to die. I think it’s going to be my dad. He’s had some trouble since the fall, and went to the doctors for blood tests. From the sound of the phone call mom got, the results aren’t good.
I’m curious to hear from everyone as to their relationship (or lack thereof) with their intuition? Who hears the whispers (or the shouts) and ignores them? Who listens intently and honours at all times or wherever possible? And everything in between, all shades of grey. We all have our strengths and the areas in which we struggle.

I always KNOW… in the moment, somewhere, and more clearly in hindsight… but I don’t always listen to/respect/act on my knowing. Mostly due to patterns of emotional repression established in very early childhood. I’m trying to unlearn these patterns and honour my truth, but it’s hard. I feel so alone a lot of the time. I’ve struggled — and still struggle — with my self-concept and boundaries. I’m a people-pleaser who sacrifices my own needs to ensure others are comfortable.

Generally speaking I don’t think our intuition/gut feeling/inner knowing is something that is protected, valued and nurtured in most societies, especially Western societies — but it’s something I am coming to realise is very important. I also think that it’s commonly the domain of women (see “witches”); a woman’s intuition, the realm of feeling, the body. Our connection to source and truth, crippled by the crowning of Reason and Science — which of course have their place, but do not represent every kind of knowledge, understanding or expertise that exists.

Anyway yeah I’m just keen to hear your thoughts on the matter, if you have any you wish you share xxx
Intuition is something I try to pay attention to. I think sometimes we don’t recognize it, or we brush it off as a fear that needs to be overcome until we can look back and say, “I knew it!’ It depends on how it presents itself and our frame of mind when it does.

Two examples

Our dogs got out. I left the yard and turned left, walked about half a block and kept having this feeling I was going the wrong way. I turned around and went the opposite direction and came upon a girl who had seen our dogs and I learned they were headed for the bay. Found them, and these aren’t the only pets my intuition has helped us find.

Another is that I just knew something was going to happen while my husband was working. It kept bothering me and bothering me for like a couple of months. He had an accident in our truck, a rollover. He was ok but it made a huge impact on our lives. What should I have done? I thought I was just being paranoid and there’s nothing I actually could have done.

So I think it really depends on what our intuition is telling us and what is within our control.
I tend to muffle mine more than I probably should. I'm always so paranoid and anxious though that I know not every bad feeling is actually a bad feeling.

I can relate to this. It’s hard to differentiate. I think intuition is more subtle. The negative mind thoughts are more insistent and unpleasant. The mind thoughts generate the feelings of anxiety and paranoia which can be intense and hard to know what to do with… but the more you go into those feelings the more power they gain. It’s tricky. The perception of something (i.e. a threat) is enough to trigger those feelings whether it actually is there or not.

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