Wounded chicken. Please help.

Is there a reason not to use the peroxide? I saw not to use iodine. I have the triple antibiotic ointment I used it doesn't contain pain reliever! So good thing 😳
Hydrogen peroxide is fine to use once upon initial injury, but studies have recently come out that have shown that it actually destroys healthy tissue when it’s used during the healing process. I have not read the studies myself - just what I’ve been told.
Update: I don't think she will make it. There is now blood in her stool.
I’m so sorry. Is there a chance she has coccidiosis? Has your flock been treated for that since they’re relatively young? It can come out during stressful situations sometimes. Can you post a picture of the poop? How is the poop from the rest of your flock? Treatment for coccidiosis is simple if that happened to be what she has. Do you think she has internal injuries that could cause the bleeding instead?

To answer your question about not wanting to eat after an attack; it can be perfectly normal. They’re in pain, possibly in shock, they’re scared and you’ve likely taken them out of the flock and placed them in what would be a strange new place to them. To try to interest her in food again, you can offer chicken feed wetted down and made into a mash, canned chicken, scrambled egg, or even plain Greek yogurt. Although if she is pooping blood, I would be even less surprised if she would eat. I’m so sorry.

Also welcome to the site. Sorry it is under these circumstances.

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