Wrath's Marans

I only have one green egg layer. Sweetie Pie is a Wyandotte Easter Egger mix. Her egg is more of a mint green. Plus she's older now so I only get a couple in spring. Don't know if she will lay this year??

I may have to look into some olive egg layers myself. I love that shade.
Could you post a pic of your mint green when you get a chance?

I think Esther lays slightly darker than that.
These aren't really color accurate, need better pics if Esther ever lays again
I had to go back a bit to find a photo of her egg. Lots of chicken and garden photos. I need to take more egg pictures this year.

Bottom right corner is Sweetie Pie's shade. Sometimes it has brownish speckles. She is about 8 years old now so she only lays a few in spring.
We will see if she lays this spring. This hen has a home for life. ❤️


Bonus Pic! 🤣
This is my Sweetie Pie.
I had to go back a bit to find a photo of her egg. Lots of chicken and garden photos. I need to take more egg pictures this year.

Bottom right corner is Sweetie Pie's shade. Sometimes it has brownish speckles. She is about 8 years old now so she only lays a few in spring.
We will see if she lays this spring. This hen has a home for life. ❤️

View attachment 4026042

Bonus Pic! 🤣
This is my Sweetie Pie.
View attachment 4026046
She's pretty and lays a beautiful egg shade. ♥️
Gorgeous. Who lays those?
And how is your BCM doing?
Sorry, It's been a minute since I've visited your thread. 🙂
Our olive egger Sophia lays the green ones!
Rose, our BCM, is great! Laying regularly and the biggest of the bunch. We call her big Bertha actually 🤣😅

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