Wrath's Marans

Hey stranger, it's been a while. Hope all is well in your world.
Ah I see apparently it’s a code for all chickens, mine are the same way. I have to keep a chicken poop scraper on hand at all times. That last picture is too cute!!! What an adorable guy. Gal?
All 3 are them are boys. I'm down to 8 now total.
Hey stranger, it's been a while. Hope all is well in your world.

All 3 are them are boys. I'm down to 8 now total.
Hi! All’s well my way. I’ve been busy, I’ve somehow, ended up with 5 roosters in my flock of 23. And everyone is in a super “loving mood”. It’s been..fun..
You’re down to 8 total roosters? Surly not 8 total chickens??

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