Wrath's Marans

I agree with @Tstraub about the pickled eggs.
I would think bantam eggs would make nice sized deviled egg appetizers, too.

Imagine bantam BCM. 🤔

I've read they exist but are rare to find in the US.
There’s a good amount of bantam cuckoo marans in England, though their egg colour varies. They are generally quite nice birds, good type saying they are bantams and usually derived from crossing marans to other bantam breeds.

During post war years a lot show breeders focussed on bantams since they were more economical than largefowl. The same can be said about the smaller masses seen in show bulls until more recent decades.
There's 3 different... 2 blues have feathered feet. 1 single odd ball has feathers also.
2 chipmunks have no feathered feet.

I think you might be right on the cochin theory, tho. I know nothing about these breeds.
When I got the text to scramble the brooder together I caught bantam, booted, and Cochin key words.
My OCD goes off the rails with mystery chicks. Then the voice says ... "You want chickens for your own eggs? But then get chickens that lay a 1/2 an egg?"

Disclaimer...she's my daughter, and yes I give her eggs whenever she wants. I even give her Marans eggs when I have them. But she some how theorized she wants her own....
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1/2 an egg? Wow you’re generous. I have bantam Cochins, and A: I LOVE them, B Morticia lays maybe 1/4 size standard egg. When she went broody I was amazed that something so tiny could hatch out an actual living chick. And even tho they are tiny, they are delicious! (The eggs not the chicks).
Finally able to get prepped to set up the NR360 this week to set eggs.. hopefully by the weekend I'll have 2 dozen BCMs going in.
In other news, I have 13 confirmed eggs from Kong x Solo so far ready to set also at some point and then focus on getting her in with Poppy for Silvers.

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