Well, wouldn't you know it, a thunderstorm right in the middle of the Auburn game has knocked out my satellite signal!!!!!!!!!!! First time in months this has happened!!!! I so want to cuss someone out but there is noone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok people, I need some help.  GAMjr's girl frizzle chicken is on its last leg.  Or at least she seems to be.  So I need to know who has some girl frizzles.  Hopefully someone nearby will have some that are at least old enough to be fully feathered.
Does GAM follow that GA poultry exchange (or whatever the exact name is) on fb? You could post an ISO ad on there..

What's wrong with it??
Der ... didn't even think of looking there.

She's acting like she's drunk. When she can stumble her way to the food and water she is still eating and drinking. No eggs in about a week, though. Color is still good. Just can't seem to stand right and/or balance.

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