Quote: First time I've been confused for Flower....
I had a duck like that Plucky was so sweet and she had her own pool and very spoiled and I wanted to kill the neighbors kid he did pellet gun practice on her while she was in her pool, needless to say we don't live there anymore.

I am so still trying to keep everyone straight
I need to know if there is such thing as an incubator for 4-8 eggs from a reputable source. For $100-500 i will just let someone else incubate my eggs but i'd like to just be able to do a few every now and then for the heck of it.
Ha! Wait till chicken math kicks in. You'll have 25 in no time, and scheming for more. Or maybe planning on goats or bees or the like! They are addictive!

Welcome to the thread!
We don't have a whole lot of room here, but I'm deffintly taking weather or not small live-stock is allowed when we're moving to somewhere bigger.... and when that happens I'm already considering goats. :)
It will be March 14.
Can people just outright buy chicks at these swaps, or is it expected to have a chick to trade? Where is the swap?
We don't have a whole lot of room here, but I'm deffintly taking weather or not small live-stock is allowed when we're moving to somewhere bigger.... and when that happens I'm already considering goats. :)
Can people just outright buy chicks at these swaps, or is it expected to have a chick to trade? Where is the swap?
There will be chicks there to buy. 1565 Highway 81 E McDonough

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