Thank you!
I'm just scared to buy the baby chicks. With the bigger chickens in there, I would have to have baby chicks in the house. We already have two baby ducks in the house. Don't know how far I can push DH with fowl in the house :p
@Hagar3, nope, the pop ups are there, they just freeze up after I hit "submit". The only way to get out of it is to hit the "back" button on my browser several times -and lose the message I was working on. I can't tag anyone, insert photos, or use smilies in the desktop version. The mobile version on my phone works with the pop ups, but it's a pain because the window randomly jumps around in the middle of typing, and I have to Kerri scrolling back to my message, or the cursor hops around and I type in the middle of quoted text -then accidentally erase half of it trying to reposition the cursor. I wish I knew more about website coding, then I'd have helpful suggestions for solutions, but I can only offer feedback.

I use a Tablet most of the time and I randomly have problems similar to yours on this site. I will click on Reply or Quote and the response window opens. When I tap the window to select it and bring my keyboard up everything just blows up. I can type but the submit button is gone etc. I have found thar I can select preview before I start typing and everything is ok. This morning everything is working fine.

I'm just scared to buy the baby chicks. With the bigger chickens in there, I would have to have baby chicks in the house. We already have two baby ducks in the house. Don't know how far I can push DH with fowl in the house :p

Welcome to BYC I am just south of Macon.
The cattle panels are attached to the 2x4s with fencing staples, and there is are two 2x3s in a cross shape supporting the back wall. The front and rear walls are welded wire, and there is an outer wrap of hex chicken wire because hens can fit through the squares in cattle panels (doesn't seem possible, but she pops right through!), and so can poults, and raccoons, etc.. I attached a 2x4 roost to the inside, and clip their feed bucket and waterers to the wall, or else they'll dump everything by just plain walking over it. For inclement weather, I use those toggle bungee loops to attach extra tarps to the ends of the coop as needed.

love this!! I've got some fencing someone gave me. I plan to make a similar contraption. Right now I'm checking Pinterest for ideas. Hopefully I'll get it done this weekend. I want to introduce the chicks to the outside tractor just as soon as the weather turns warm.

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