starting tomorrow, the days will begin to get longer, today was the shortest day of the year! YAY I'm already so OVER it getting dark so early

Me too! Besides Christmas, Halloween and my birthday, the day we spring forward is one of my favorite days of the year.
that's true after breaking it open,
in egg inspection classes they teach you to candle for what's caked a fertile ring means egg cell is intact and 98% of the time this means a fertile EGG LOL!now that I had been keeping everyone in the air Lol now us know lol!! Had to give everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS present LOL!!!!

You should be able to tell if you have fertile eggs by:
1. Watching your rooster do his thing and with how
2. A few days later, crack one open. If you see the 'bulls eye' then you know they are fertile
3. One visit from the rooster should create fertile eggs for up to two weeks

Of course, you can always try to hatch them.
So I got home from vacation last night! All the chickens are fine except I have 4 broody hens! Ugh! What's with that!

No clue! I have a silkie that just went broody again. I'd comment on raising chicks in the middle of winter, but it doesn't feel too wintery out!
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that's true after breaking it open,
in egg inspection classes they teach you to candle for what's caked a fertile ring means egg cell is intact and 98% of the time this means a fertile EGG LOL!now that I had been keeping everyone in the air Lol now us know lol!! Had to give everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS present LOL!!!
funny, the GA Dept of Ag egg handling class I took never said anything about a fertile ring. Googling 'candling an egg for fertility' shows a lot of pages, but having skimmed through about 20 so far, the earliest I've found so far that any sign of fertility can be detected by candling is 4 days of incubation, and it becomes a spot and veins that start to look like a spider web coming from it. Still haven't found anything about any 'fertility ring'.

the main thing the egg candling class I took, and Rocky Rhodes could verify since he was in that same class with me, talked about was the size of the air cell. Because that class is pretty much for egg handling for the purpose of selling EATING eggs, and they want to make sure you know how to tell safe from non safe eggs. I personally don't remember anything at all said about candling an egg showing anything about fertility. Everything I've read SO FAR, (not to say I won't find something about it as I go through these pages) says the only way to know if the rooster is doing his job is to break some eggs and look for the dot on the yolk. (the bullseye Flower mentioned) If you're talking about some other class you've taken, ok I guess......but I'm putting my stock in what the Dept of Ag class taught me.

So if you're saying you're incubating and then candling them at 4 days and they're starting to show the dot and the veins, ok I'll buy that. If you're telling me you're 98% sure any time sooner than that because you can candle an egg and see that white dot on the yolk, sorry I ain't buying what you're selling.

here's the link to a page from right here on our very own favorite website: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/candling-pics-progression-through-incubation-of-chicken-eggs

you'll notice that the discussion is about 'incubation of chicken eggs) not eggs you've taken out from under the chicken and candled. I've also read that you shouldn't refrigerate eggs you want to incubate, and that you should get them started within 10 days of being laid.
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So I got home from vacation last night! All the chickens are fine except I have 4 broody hens! Ugh! What's with that!
I had two AMs that tried to go broody back right before thanksgiving, I isolated them to make them 'rethink' it, LOL but, I haven't had any AM eggs since. That includes the other two that WEREN'T trying to go broody.

I'm seriously considering putting a light in the coop and setting it to go off around 7 pm to see if I can get them girls back to being busy again. Gonna be difficult to incubate eggs and sell chicks if they're not going to give me eggs!

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