Your 2025 Garden


They are near you. I buy lots of things from them.
Thank you!

I was getting ready for church this morning when I suddenly remembered that we do have a local nursery. I stopped there on the way home, looked over their selection, and bought six Rabbiteye type blueberry plants, all in one gallon pots:

Two or more varieties are recommended for cross-pollination, so I bought two each of Powderblue, Bluetif, and Premier (which is an earlier variety).

They didn't have any elderberry plants, but Isons does!

Then later in the afternoon I planted carrots, peas, rutabagas, and turnips.
We were out planting our second order of muscadines Friday and found that we only got two of one variety instead of two. I call Isons to report it and they said no problem, sorry, and we will fix it. When I went outside Saturday morning the replacement had already been delivered. No one has ever given me better service or choices than they have.

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